Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

Kylie came to my side, squeezing my hand, looking rather nervous at the dance floor.

The energy of the club was possibly a little too much. I stepped a little closer the the dance floor, it felt like I was a magnet and the people were metal, and I was getting pulled closer and closer as the beat pounded. I leaned over to Kylie, yelling into her ear, "Are you alright?" I was genuinely worried about her, wondering if this atmosphere was making her as overwhelmed as it was making me. Kylie laughed at little, at least I think she did, and gave me a thumbs up.

Vikk pulled Kylie further into the crowd of people, "Go have fun lovebirds!" The two of them disappeared almost instantly.

Lachlan looked at me, then out at the crowd of people. I grabbed his hand, and tugged him into the dance floor that would consume me whole.

My hands were all over him, running up and down his chest, arms, and neck. He was a little shy at first, then he didn't care at all. I wrapped my arms around her neck, and I started dancing completely in sync.
I moved closer and closer until she was completely pressed against his. He tensed up a little, making me smile. I started grinding my hips. His lips made a perfect 'o' shape, shock I presume. Then it fades itself into a smile, and he grinds back. I laugh, "Naughty, naughty, Lachlan! Turns out you can dance!"

I ground against him slightly harder, and he pulled me even closer to him, some of the fabric gathering in his hands. I started to breathe heavily, feeling like I couldn't breathe but could at all the same time.

I pressed against him harder, wanting him to moan or at least say something like, "Natalie, this is torture." I kept going and going harder until he did finally moan, and he just kept dancing, acting like nothing happened. I just kept dancing until my legs shook in pain, and I raised my hand in the air and shouted, "Let's get a drink!"

Lachlan smiles, nodding his head instead of shouting me an answer. I let him drag me to the bar, if I knew one thing, he was one for his alcohol. The bartender was a very sluty looking girl, that looked at Lachlan like he was candy on Halloween. I was getting a little jealous of her checking out my boyfriend, pulling him even closer to me. "Two whiskey on rocks please!" He said it so pleasantly, so cheerful. I had a double-take for a second, he wasn't being flirty or seductive at a club? I thought for certain he'd be Mr. Confident. After he paid, he dragged me away from the girl, over to another row of bar stools on the side of the bar. The slut gave us our drinks, getting another look at Lachlan, before stepping away not to far from us. Probably so she can try and pick him up.

By the time Vikk and Kylie showed up again, the two of us had already downed two whiskey's, a shot of vodka, and another shot of something called 'Blue Moon,' which tasted awful. "Are you two drunk already?" Vikk grinned at the two of us. "No..." Lachlan chuckled slightly, not seeming to pay attention to the amount of empty glasses. "I am buzzed!" I announced, "More shots!"

"I see clubs are still hiring prostitutes," Kylie rolls her eyes, walking over and sitting on the stool next to me, grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me. "Hey you!" Kylie shouted at the bartender. She turned, looking at Kylie, and turned away. "Hey bitch, I would like a drink!" The slut huffed, and walked over to us, "And what do you want?"

"Round of shots! Make it fast.... Bitch."

"What about you blondie? Anything you want, besides me?" Lachlan rolled his eyes, "The only thing I want is my lovely fiancé." Kylie stares at me like 'what the fuck, dude, you lied.' And Vikk stares at Lachlan like 'did I miss something.'

"We aren't getting married..." Lachlan said, noticing their stares. "It was just to get her off my back!"

The slut slides us the tray of shots, I grab one, "Now, let's get drunk!"

We eventually cleared the tray, I was getting a little unsteady on my feet. Kylie smiled at me, seeming a little buzzed, but other than that, perfectly fine. "Remind me to get you sober later!"

And sober I shall be.

Once the four of us get back home, we are ready for our alone time. Vikk and Kylie are already kissing, and so are Lachlan and I. Kylie high-fives before Vikk pulls her into her room. Lachlan takes a break from our session, grabbing two waters, "Cheers!" We chug it down at go straight to my room.

A moan makes its way noticeable from the next room. I laugh into our kiss, pulling away. "This is weird."

"You're bed is too small..."

He pushes himself up, his feet dangling off the bed. "Why do you have to be so tall!?" He moves over, falling off the bed. "Lachlan!"


I go to my floor, to help him up. "Are you okay!?" He laughs, at himself in guessing, "Yeah, fine." He wipes his
pants like he got them dirty on my clean floor. "It's kind of hard to have sex on a tiny bed." I laugh, resting my back on the edge of my bed. "I think I can manage without sex."

He pouts, crossing his arms over his chest. "Alright, how about a challenge?" I sit on his lap, "If you can go this whole night without having sex with me, I'll make sure the next time, is really great."

"How do you know it will be great?"

"How do you know it won't?" I kiss him, biting his bottom lip when I pull away. "It hurts when you do that," He says while lifting his shirt above his head. I push him to the floor, getting fully on top of him now.

"Pleasure is pain."

(Authors Notes)

I like this chapter. It's sexual, but I like it. And I meant for Jordan to be here but that might not happen anymore so sorry. I am really starting to like Kylie, but I keep writing her name as Kira and I'm like no stop.

Just saying, they're is going to a third book, it will have about 10/15 chapters, and I know what it will be about, but you're just going to have to guess! I'm just going to say there is a girl named Lydia that I'm going to introduce in this book near the end then she will be in the next book. Don't worry, it's not a Lacey repeat, it's another character for Natalis. Kinda both if it's gonna be in the next book. And btw, on my vine, I always Revine stuff that inspires me, so if you wanna follow me (Madison Renae) you might pick up on a few things...

What do you guys think of this chapter? And what do you want to happen in the next?

Sincerely - LachlanWhere stories live. Discover now