
Every step they took up the staircase, there was a loud, echoing creak. All three males couldn't help but cringe at each crack.

"...Jeez, this thing's probably a thousand years old." Nico mumbled.

They kept going up the stairs, trying to be as light as they can with the steps. Causing a full-on avalanche with some old grandpa wood was the last thing they wanted.

They kept going. Up, and up, and up the staircase.

Finally, they reached the end.
However, once they set foot on the second floor, the three boys could feel a strong rumbling coming from the stairs.

"...Shi—" Everything collapsed. They burst, particles flew, and all fell down to the ground. Every single part of the stairs were just... chunks of wood.

Giyuu looked down, widening his eyes at the sight.

If they had fell down, they could've met their doom. There was a large, dark and definitely not shallow hole. All the chunks continued to fall, and nobody heard the clunks of landing from any of them.

"...That, my friend —" Nico walked over to see, giving off a small snort; hands in pockets.

"...Is the gateway to hell." Nobody could tell whether he was joking or not, but Giyuu and Sabito hoped he was.

They turned around, and stiffened up even more of what they saw.

Haru's casket was hanging. There were parts of it that had broken off and fallen down to the ground. What made it more weird, is that the casket was being hanged from where the corpse's head should be. It was drilled and shaped to form depth in that area where it was being hung.

"...Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing?" Nico breathed.

"...If you're seeing a casket being hung like a person would do to themselves as a form of suicide..." Giyuu quietly gulped, brows furrowed of bewilderment and astonishment. "...Yeah. We probably are."

"...Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Sabito anxiously asked.

Nico slightly relaxed.
"If-.. if you're thinking that's Haru's coffin being hung, yeah. We probably are." He spoke. Sabito winced.

All of a sudden, things went dark.

"...Holy shit." Nico looked around.

"Holy shit," Giyuu repeated. "I'm pretty sure there was a moon?"

Sabito couldn't help but awkwardly chuckle at the tense atmosphere. He could feel a cold grimace behind him. The feeling brushed the back of his body.

"...Yeah. There was a moon, a few seconds ago." He answered.

Finally, there was light again. Usually, you'd be relieved to see that the moon came back to light your way after being gone for five seconds. However, would you be relieved to see a hanging man right where a hanging coffin was before?

I'm guessing your answer is no. If it was yes, I'm genuinely concerned for you.

All three boys let out a startled yelp. Suddenly, the hanging man's eyes snapped open.

𝐃𝐈𝐕𝐔𝐋𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 ー sabigiyuuWhere stories live. Discover now