A Gothmorian Christmas

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     In the night of December 23rd in Gothmoria, and you and Evan are decorating the living room. The two of you decorated the Christmas tree after a week of preparing it. You also put the stockings above the fireplace and put candy canes and gummy bears in them. You also put one mistletoe on the door on the outside of the house, and another one above the stockings. In your rooms, you each put a snow globe that has a Christmas tree, and you then put mistletoes on your doors. You also put Christmas lights on the ceiling. You spent hours of decorating your house with lights, mistletoes, and stockings,  and you both felt tired after this.

     "I'm so tired now after the decorations, but I can't wait what happens tomorrow." Evan said. "I think this year will have the best Christmas Days ever in my life." 

"I can relate, but since I'm with you now, I think this will be my first Christmas with a boyfriend." You said to Evan. 

"Aww. that's so sweet." Evan said to you. 

     As he responded to what you have said, his heart beats faster, his ears move up, and he blushes as his face is turning pink. 

     "Why thank you,  Evan." You said to him.

"You're welcome." He said to you. After he said that, his ears went back down and he stopped blushing.  "Anyways, what time is it?"

"it's half past eleven." You answered him. 

"Can I sleep with you?" He asked you again. 

"Probably tomorrow night because it's not Christmas yet." You answered him again.

"Okay. I will play a Christmas carol on my loot before I sleep."

"Sounds like an amazing idea, Evan!"

"Why thank you, Y/n!"

"You're welcome. Good night!"

"You too!"

     The two of you got ready to bed. While you used the bathroom, brushed your teeth, and put some pajamas to sleep in the bed, Evan plays with his loot before sleeping after he brushed his hair and teeth. After this, you sleep as if you are in a bed commercial while he sleeps with Mr. Snuggly

The Next Day

     It's the morning on Christmas Eve and there is a lot of snow in Gothmoria. People were building snowmen, making snow angels, having snowball fights, and singing Christmas carols to other people, Meanwhile, a medieval mail carrier is riding a horse and carrying the mail. He stops on a house according to the mail and he delivers it. Once he stops at your house, he hold the envelope, comes to the door where it has a mail slot, and puts the it in there. 

     While you and Evan are getting ready for Christmas Eve by putting on ugly sweaters and Santa hats, the two of you stopped and looked at the envelope. Evan picked it up and opened it, and read that this letter is from Kyle. 

     "Hey Y/n, Kyle sent us a letter." He said to you.

"What is it?" You asked him.

Evan started to read the letter from Kyle, and it said:

Dear Evan and Y/n,

You have been invited to my Christmas Eve party because you are some of my loyal customers at the Queen's Goiter! Speaking of which, this is where the party is located. I hope to see you there, and you will have fun!



     "So Kyle is inviting us to a party on Christmas Eve.?" You asked Evan.

A Gothmorian Christmas (Evan x Reader One Shot Christmas Special)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang