Start from the beginning

I frown.

"I'm from Switzerland, where we speak four languages but not English, so I'm not sure I understood right: what is the new project?" Lia asks, still avoiding my gaze.

Pernille smirks even harder, before stating:

"We are going to synthesise a molecule that will allow forensic scientists to recapture crime scenes evidences dating up to 10 years prior to this date! This will mean that we will be able to solve murders that never got to be solved due to lack of evidences! This is going to be a revolution!"

I fake-smile as Lia goes on to shake Pernille's hand, I just freezes.

This is not good... This is fuckingly not good, if that Harder bitch can find evidences from the old crime scenes, then it means all three of us are S.C.R.E.W.E.D

I want to die. 



My apartment is filled with the early afternoon lights, as I decided to stay at home today since Sakina and Jordyn were writing today's articles on their own. Furthermore, I was not feeling really great, feeling dizzy every two seconds.

When the door rings however, thinking it might be Leah willing to talk to me about her screw up with the Swiss babe that is already falling for her but she's too blind to see it, I nevertheless open it, only to be surprised by the person standing. 

I almost lose my words when I say:


The blonde woman with beautiful and enormous blue eyes and cute dimples sets her jaw, quite annoyed, before walking past me inside my own apartment.

She takes a good look around, as I close the door behind her. She removes her coat and throws her on my couch without even asking, before facing me and crossing her arms against her chest.

Oops, she's hella mad, I think to myself, raising my eyebrows.

"I'm surprised you even remember my name" Frida angrily says, throwing me the most deadly glare ever. Before I can say anything, she continues in a total monologue: "Or maybe you're too Norwegian to know where the hospitals are, uh? I mean, maybe not, since my kinds couldn't stop telling me that their dad was mad 'cause 'mommy's friend' was there but decided to leave and now my husband thinks I'm secretly having a crush on you. Or maybe you're too fucking ignorant to know that, when somebody almost dies in an explosion and you're here too, then you should go see them, even if you hate them, right? It's just common sense, Engen, just common sense."

This time, I am the one frowning in confusion.

"Are you angry with me because I didn't come see you at the hospital?" I ask, totally lost.

"Oh, 'cause you can't even understand that!" Frida exclaims, shaking her head.

"What do you want me to tell you, then?" I ask, raising my voice a little. 

"Tell me why do you have so little respect for me? I know I'm not the easiest person to work with, but maybe if you had actually gotten to know me, you wouldn't hate me so much."

"I don't get it: why are you getting angry at me? Haven't you got enough attention with your husband and two kids? Why do you need mine?"

The blonde rolls her eyes in disbelief.

"I do not understand you, Ingrid: one day you tell me I'm your type, and the next you don't even care if I die? It just doesn't make any sense!"

"You haven't gotten to know me either - you never ask questions, you just assume I'm nothing more than my physique and job, and you just assume everything I do is meaningless to me!"

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