I can't say that I don't understand their worry; it's never a pretty sight when Vessels are triggered around people in those cities. However, I've spent so many years studying the past. I've memorised stories and riddles, and I know where to look to save us all. There's no way I can give that up.

"Ow!" I collide with an unknown figure, causing both of us to fall to the ground.

"Just like your granddad."

I lift my head to see the friendly face of Daphne; the old lady who often visited my house when I still lived there with my granddad. It seemed like they had something going on, but neither of them ever told me anything when I asked about it.

Daphne isn't a Vessel, but her grandson is. He's why she moved to the City of Vessels and regularly volunteers at Pandora's House.

"Daphne!" I hurry to my feet and let her use my arm as support while she tries to stand up. I then pull her into a hug, letting go after a few seconds of burying her head in my chest. "I'm so sorry, Daph."

"And where were you rushing out from?" She laughs.

"Ms Chan's office. I told her the news about me leaving." I shrug, but my shoulders drop when Daphne's eyes widen.

"Amora," she lowers her voice, "I told you we need to speak before you let them know that."

"I couldn't find you this morning..." I look around when I notice Daphne doing the same. "What's wrong?"

Suddenly, Daphne pulls my arm and hurries down the hallway. We pass a security guard who raises his hand to greet us, and I watch as Daphne gives him a tight smile. Rounding a corner, Daphne bumps into a wall, but this does not slow down her strides towards wherever she is pulling me to.



Daphne comes to a stop in front of a closet and looks around us for something I am not aware of. Before I am able to mimic her actions, she opens the closet door and shoves me inside.

The door slams shut and the lights switch on. For a moment, Daphne watches me in silence, disappointment shown across her face.

"You should've told me first, Amora."

"I'm sorry," I say, not even knowing what exactly I am apologising for. "Daph, what is it?"

She sighs and shakes her head. "You can't just leave, Amora."

My body stiffens, and my blood begins to boil. Out of everyone here, she should understand why I need to leave. My grandfather left me with knowledge I can use to free us all, and she knows it. Well, she doesn't know everything, but I'm sure she knows enough to support me.

"What I mean is," she continues, "they won't just let you leave."

My eyebrows furrow. "Ms Chan—"

"Oh, forget Ms Chan." Daphne kisses her teeth. "She's in on it, too."

"In on what?" I notice Daphne's hesitation. "What is it, Daph?"

"They'll kill you. They figure that you'll probably get triggered out there, so it's better if they make it happen here; away from the main cities. It happens to every Vessel that wants to leave."

I almost laugh at Daphne's rushed words. For a second, I even believe I must have heard her wrong. However, Daphne's face is as serious as ever, and my breathing becomes heavier with every second that passes.

"You're joking."

"Amora." Daphne reaches out to me as I take a step back, using my hands to fan myself.

"No...what about Lea? My friend? She left last month. She—she's fine, right?"

Tears fill my eyes when her expression doesn't change. When I look down at my hands, I notice they are slightly shaking.

"No, no, no. Daph, you must be joking."

"Amora..." She starts to back away from me, and confusion fills me when I see the frightened look in her eyes.

However, I remember that I am a Vessel, and showing too much emotion is sure to scare anyone. It even scares me.

I close my eyes and take some seconds to recollect myself, thinking about the time Granddad took me to the theme park and I got chocolate ice-cream. Thinking about happy memories often does the trick; taking me back to a not-so-scary state.

Feeling a bit more relaxed, I open my eyes and look at Daphne. "Sorry."

Daphne nods her head and slowly moves closer to me.

"I won't let them hurt you, Amora." She looks at the ceiling and scratches her grey hair. "What time did Ms Chan ask to meet you?"

"Uhhh I don't know... I-I think it was ten. Ten a.m."

"Okay...meet me at four. Come to the basement alone. You hear that?" Daphne raises her eyebrows. "Alone."

I nod my head slowly and don't bother to tell her that I haven't told anyone about my journey. If anyone would even believe my story, I'm sure no one is brave enough to come with me.

"It'll be okay, Amora. You were going to leave, anyway. What's a little pressure?" Daphne smiles and gently squeezes my shoulders. "Wait here for some time before you leave."

Daphne doesn't wait for my reply before slightly opening the door and sticking her head out of it. Seeming satisfied, she exits the closet and shuts the door.

"It's okay, Amora," I say to myself, "You're going to be...just...fine."

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