Chapter 10. Plan

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Jinxx POV

I sat on one of the little cots and looked around the hut as the others came in for our meeting. Andy must have come up with a plan or something had happened since Ashley rushed us all here. I sighed playing with the new power I had found while I was helping the rebels gather food and water. CC had also found a power himself while he was helping us. Wait until Andy heard about this.

10 minutes passed and we were all getting restless with Andy nowhere to be seen. Just then he stuck his arm in and lifted the curtain, ducking so he would be able to get inside. He stood there with a frown on his face so I knew it wasn't good news he was going to tell us.

"F.E.A.R knows we are here and from what we already know about Sam and her tattoo they will put up a fight until we are all dead. We are going to plan a raid for tomorrow when the sun is highest in the sky. From now until dusk we all need to train and help the rebels. Have you guys found out anything else?"

"Well Jinxx and I have found some new powers they could help out with the raid." Andy's head snapped at CC then he glanced over in my direction as I held my hand out with my palm up and watched his face as flames emerged from my hand. He cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow with a small grin of his lips.

"Wow! That's impressive. Can you do that at any time?" I nodded closing my hand and the flames disappeared. Andy then turned his attention to CC.

"What is your power?" CC stood up and walked past Andy.

"Follow me. I can't show you inside." Andy stood up and followed CC outside curiously. A few second later the hut began to shake violently and a few of the glass jars shattered. I caught Tash before she fell to the ground and almost had to catch Amy but she was able to regain her balance as the wave passed. Andy re-entered the hut and looked at Ashley and Jake.

"What about you guys? Anything different about either of you since we arrived?" Jake shook his head but I knew the truth, he just didn't want to tell Andy until the time was right. Ashley though hasn't seemed to change at all but maybe his power would reveal itself later on.

"Well these new powers are going to help us greatly tomorrow. As for a plan, We will gather the rebels and divide them up by how well they do with training. After we figure out how well they do we will divide them into two groups. Ones who  will stay behind and guard this place and the others will follow us. When we get there we will most likely be faced with some of the Shadow agents but I am not certain. If we are faced then CC you will use your power to take them down. From there we will enter their domain and free the captured. If we run into any problems help each other out and watch your backs. Everyone must come back alive." Andy lit up a cigarette and took a drag off of it as he looked down at the ground deep in thought.

Ashley's POV

After our meeting Andy wanted me to gather the Rebels so we could tell them our plan and see if they would agree to help us. I found a few of the younger ones playing and asked them to help me gather the Rebels in a group so I could talk to them. They nodded their heads and ran off in different directions leaving me standing there laughing.

Soon all of them were gathered around me and I looked through the group taking notes on who looked too young to fight and who looked fit to fight.

"The Prophet has come up with a plan. We want to inform you all of this plan but you will have to come meet with all of us in the middle of the compound and there we will have to ask you all some questions.  Will you all follow me?" They stared up at me and after a few minutes I heard some yeses from the group. I smiled and turned around leading the group to the Prophet.


Andy explained everything to the Rebels as I sat on a rock and kicked the dirt with my boot. I knew I should be listening but I was pretty bored and boredom and I don't mix, everyone knew that.

"The Destroyer and The Deviant will take a small group of you to a clear area in the compound." My head snapped up at the mention of my nickname and I looked around clueless as to what I was just nominated for.

Andy must have realized I had no idea what he was talking about and repeated his words before continuing on. After we were finished Ashley and I took our group to a small clearing inside the compound and began to teach them fighting and defending against attackers.

Many hours and a few rests later we decided to wrap up the training. The Rebels had improved greatly since we started and Ashley and I came to a decision that they were ready for battle.

"Rest up now guys. You need as much rest as you can since we will be leaving before noon." The Rebels nodded and ran off then Ashley and I went to join the rest of the group.

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