The V in His name

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Some said they are among the top five richest family in the world.

Some said they run few illegal business in the black market.

Some said they were just lucky that their riches were from their ancestor.

Some just envied them.

The Vihokratana. Powerful family indeed, so why? right now the so called only heir is leisurely enjoying his time with New at this party on their table after hiding his identity for so long?

Few hours earlier... Tay' PoV

[Tawan! how long are you going to keep your life like this?!] I squinted as the yelling woman on the phone let her voice out.

[Ma! It's been so long and the first thing I heard from you is this?]

[This child of mine, and who do you think one sidedly decided not to call or answer my call for so long?]

[Ma~ it was only for few years, also I didn't forget to send present for you and Pa every single time right?]

[Tsk~ So what's the occasion for this call?] Ma might sounded like she is done and fed up with me, but I know my mother like the back of my hand.

[I think, it's time Ma...]

[Time? Time for what... wait... you don't mean? Tay you know your fath .-----] I immediately hangs up the call for the sake of my ear.

I was preparing to leave early when a call goes through my phone, at first I thought it was Ma and planned to leave it on rings until the call gets disconnected, but to my suprise. The man himself called me. For all these years I was out from the house trying to live a life undercover, never once he call or even messages me. So what do I do? Carry on with my original plan or pick up the call and brace myself for the worst?

[Hello pa~?] I don't dare to disrespect the guy...

[Tawan, I heard from your ma... are you really serious about it now?] I take a deep breath as I hardened my resolve.

[Yes pa...]

[Good. Come and see me at ----]

[Don't worry pa, I'm on my way there...]

[Good.] then the call got disconnected.

My parent, Joss and Mika, was never actually like your typical rich parent style. They raised me well, well enough until I want to try and live like how 'normal' people do. The term 'normal' for us didn't exist. So when I was in Highschool at 15 years old, I told them I want to live like 'normal' people do. I changed school, and also hides the fact that I am a Vihokratana .At first they didn't understand me and going along with my wish, but at some point when I was 18 years old I told them I want to live alone without their influences. They were dead head against it, it took me almost a year to convince them, and the last thing that I accept from them right after moving out is a nice condo near my Uni and also few million baths in my bank account. That few million baths seems like not decreasing as I take on part time work and live my life of modesty. And around that time around I began following a certain rookie... and never I thought that he would be my trigger.

I would be lying if I didn't feel a thing for Newwie, but at the same time I feel like I was betraying myself as a fan of his. Fan shouldn't cross the line, fan should admire but also respect the privacy of their artist. But for these past months, I am feeling like I was standing between a thin line of a fan and 'something'. I was going to put it on a brake, not until the 'FRIEND' things that happen with New. and those eeriely sexual dreams about New aren't helping me either that I've come to a conclusion, that I Tay Tawan must take the next step for me. So that I can confidenly take our 'FRIENDship' to another level. Thinking about it makes my heart beats fast. New! this is all your fault and you're going to take resposibility for it....

"Tay~ Tay!" New called me few times, pulling me out from my thought.

"Oh, sorry what? I wasn't listening..." I told him as I was eyeing everything around, not to miss the look that his manager gives me, I guess he will have to suffer for a bit due to my sudden news.

"Mind telling me why you were late? I almost thought I would be partner-less coming here...hmp!"

"Told you it was traffic, and I have to sort out few things too before coming... that's why..."

"I see, but next time... It wouldn't hurt you to give me a call right?" he's adorable...

"I will, I'll be calling you often then..." I told him that as a slow redness slowly filling up his cheeks indicating he's shy... it wasn't that hard to read him. Not when we always hangs out together. We were chatting away not caring about the event even for a bit, before a soft slap followed by a grunting sound interrupting our conversation.

"This child! you don't even bother to find our table and let this poor woman legs walked down here to find you..." And that was my mother. Mika. I can see New's confused face.

"New, this is my mother... and Mom this is Newwie..."

"Oh I know who he is... that's why he gets the invitation..." my mom reply

"Sawadee krub aunty..." New greet my mom.

"Good that saves the introduction.... where is dad?"

"Over there, and you my baby boy, just wait here like a good boy, don't leave before the event end." My mom said that and left our table...

"Wow Tay, I never knew your parent would be in this event.... that mean they are a famous figure... just Who are you? hhmmmm...." New asked and his manager just shakes his head giving up with New oblivious behaviour.

"Me, I'm just me, your Tay tawan..."

"My Tay Tawan... wait, what! since when did you become mine.... not that I wouldn't mind qwkneraslk" New voice slowly fading out before he stuttered thelast words, but I still managed to catch it... this confirm one of my suspiscion.

After few hours the event was coming to an end, and who else would make a better closure speech other than Joss Vihokratana, the man himself... and my father.

"Woah, thats the man that people said owned everything... I wonder how long would I have to work my ass off just to have quarter of his wealth..." New said to me...

"Hah~ you would not even dreamed of it New..." I reply

"How would you know? We haven't even tried yet..."

Before replying back, My father just have to make it even grandeur... I can't even say anything, and by the look on New face... I hope he'll just listen to my story later...

[And lastly, I'm stading here proudly to announce and present you all... my one and only son and heir to my everything... Tay Tawan Vihokratana...] My dad announce. I could even hide myself as the spotlight were turned to our table...

[Son come up here...] my dad commanded.

"New... wait for me, I'll be back..."

To be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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