Meetings, Invitation

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New groaned inwardly, it's been an hour since the meeting which his manager usually attend for him has started. His manager, p'Kao had to take an emergency leaves as his mother was hospitalize. It's fine, p'Kao rarely take a day off. I guess this is good for him too.

Although he was tired and hated meetings like this, he couldn't help but to let his manager rest and visit his mother. New still remembered early in the morning when the news reached him. p'Kao assured him that he'll go visit his mother after attending the meeting. But New wouldn't let him. He said something making him look like a bad guy.

And so we are here... back in the meeting room. Wasn't this supposed to be a short meeting? New complained to nobody but himself.

"And an official letter of a party thrown by the biggest elites and riches had just been receive this morning. I am more proud to say that two of an artist from this company were invited." Their boss announced showing them two Envelope with a golden stamp on it, boasting the wealth of the host. I better pray it's not me, I don't really wanna mingle with them. New pray.

"Sam, be sure to pass this to Gun... and New this one is for you..." Sam nodded at their boss command while New groaned loudly, not caring if it looked rude.

"Phi~ can I not go?" New pleaded. He was actually close to their company boss.

"New~ if you don't go, our company image will be ruined. What am I going to do with that?"

"I don't like going to parties like these, they make me look awkward and small..." New confessed.

"You won't be alone New, Gun will be there too..." His boss assure him.

"But what if he feels the same as me?" Bullshit, New knows really well that Gun comes from a very wealthy family. So party like this must've been piece of cake for him.

"Calm down nong New..." This time Sam or Samantha who is the manager incharge of Gun speak.

"But p'Sam..."

"This letter said that you're allowed to bring a plus 1 with you..."

"Was that supposed to make me feel better?" New replied.

"I don't know, but surely boss won't care if you bring anyone with you as long as you stay out of trouble.... Right boss?" 

"Yeah it's fine, as long as you don't cause a trouble..." 

New brows still frowned, he really don't want to go. But on a second thought. If I can bring a plus one with me then...

"Anyone? I can bring anyone I want?" New asked again...

"Yes New, as long as it can make you attend the party..." His boss assure him.

"Then I am bringing my friend." New replied as he stands up from his seat...

"The meeting is over right?" New asked again.

"Not yet, but I guess you can go all the important stuff has been delivered, AND I hope you were paying attention..."

"Yes~ I pay really really good attention during the meeting..." New said as he make his way toward the exit.

"And New, could you fetch mom at the airport today? I don't think I have time for it..."

"Huh~? Why don't you just request a personal driver to take her.?" New replied while half of his body out of the room.

"Come on New~ it's mom..." his boss who were also his brother remind him.

"Okay sure, just text me the time she will arrive." New said as he left the room.

"Ugh! Why do I even signed him into my company..." their boss complained as New left.

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