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Newwie fucking Thithipoom is here! Sitting leisurely on Tay's single couch, the owner of the house was still confused and baffled, he tried so many times working up words only to have a speechless one. His brain must've stopped working. Its early, his bed hair is poking like a newborn baby tree.

"Wow, I'm quite impressed... this is a nice condo you have." New speaks up as he finished scanning the whole room, like a King, he folds his leg.

"It's not even 6:30AM! What the hell are you doing here?" Finally, a sentence. Tay might be a fan, a dedicated one might say, but this is utterly voilating his privacy... was it?

"You said you were going to take pictures today?"

"Yes I was going to, but not this early!"

"Good, I can take a short nap then... wake me up okay..."

New was adjusting himself, as he moved himself to another couche...

"Wait what?"

"Huh? Are you still sleeping? I said Imma take a short nap."


"Where else?" Tay massages his temple as he couldn't even fathom the situation he was in. First his idol barge into his condo, then sits down like he owned the place, and now taking a nap.

Tay was about to say something when he sees New's yawning, now that he calms down he noticed the reddish eyes of New... Must've been from his late night photoshoot. Tay thought. After contemplating for few second...

"Fine..." Tay muttered which New heard.

"Fine what?"

"You can sleep, but not here..." New shoulder slumped a little bit, well at least he can sleep in his car.

"Okay, but promised me you gonna call me..." New said as he stands up...

"Huh? Where are you going?" Tay asked, brows perked up with his poking bed hair.

"Where else, to sleep in my car. You said I can't sleep here, I understand that. I am sorry for barging in like this. I know it's uncomfy trust me, I know it." New's said while patting Tay's shoulder.

Hearing New's explaination, makes Tay soften a little bit, well he already have a soft spot for his Idol, beside New must've pretty tired trying not to argue his way into sleep here, plus as an artist with lots of fan, he knows how it felt to have his privacy violated.

"I- I didn't meant it like that... you can sleep but not there..." Tay said as he pushed New from the behind softly until they were infront of his bedroom.

"You can sleep here..." Tay said as he opens his bedroom. It was tidy, neat and minimal. But it boast lots of maturity, complexity and also make the room feelt a bit tad bigger than it looked.

"Huh, are you sure? What about you??" New asked.

"I had enough sleep. Just let me get my laptop first." Lies he slept around 4AM.

New walked towards the bed as Tay went to take his laptop from his work desk.

"You know, you should do whatever you wanna do in here...So I can feel a bit comfortable." New explains... Tay was hesitating, but what are the chances for him to get this again... UNKNOWN.

"S-sure then, just make yourself comfortable..."

"Sure, thanks... and sorry for bothering you..." New replied, Tay only nodded as he opened his laptop trying to finish editing what he left last time. Not a minute has passed he heard a soft snore from the man laying on his bed. Is he overworking himself again, Few months ago he was hospitalized for three days due to overly exhaustion. Tay thought to himself while browknitted together, indicating that he does not like the thought of New being hospitalized again.

New managed to open his eyes slowly, before he slowly drifted into dreamlands again until he remembered he was sleeping on Tay's bed. He jerked up. Looking around, trying to find the owner of this condo.

What time is it? New thought before Tay went out from the bathroom, hair wet with fews droplets runnning through his chest and abs. He went pass New who was still on the bed, looking closely on him.

Does not notice me? He thought before he let a loud 'cough'

"OH SHIT!" Tay jumped throwing the shirt that he picked from his wardrobe. Seeing Tay's expression...

"New! God you scared me, what are you doing. Sleep some more..."

Eyes wide open, rush of blood went into his head before quickly turning his head away from Tay's direction.

"OH SHIT!" Tay yelled before he noticed that his towel were slipping off his waist, revealing half of his manlyhood. Quickly he dressed himself, with plain tee and a short.

"S-Sorry about that..." Tay apologized, he must've made the man uncomfortable.

"N-no it's okay... What time is it?" New asked.

"Around 2..." Tay answered.

"WHAT!? What about your assignment?"

"Relax I still got time..." Tay explained.

"UGH! I've wasted half a day of my day off sleeping! This is suck!" New complained.

"It's better for you to sleep and restore you energy... I can go take some picture on the beach later... beside what are you doing in my condo during your day off, you should've went back to your home."

"Ugh! Not this again, even my manager said this last night..."

"Well its true."

"Aren't you happy to see me?" New asked boldly.

"You are my fan right..." Smirked as he knows how to annoyed Tay.

"That doesn't mean you can come to my condo, right, more over a condo of your fan. What if the media get a gist of this, my leisure life would be over..." Tay replied. New was taken aback, true, what Tay said makes him realized.

"S-sorry..." New said, a hint of sadness and guilt in his voice.

"Nah, it's fine... this fan of yours are happy." Tay tried to rise his mood back.

"I doubt it." Said New, as Tay face didn't even shown a slight changes.

"Anyway, are you hungry?"

"Urm, kinda... you gonna order something?"

"Nope, I'll make us some food. So just rest while I cook." Tay said as he left the room.

New was very excited today, as he was going to disturb Tay to the core. But he wasn't thinking deeply about his action and what he might brings to other. He could make Tay's life upside down if he was careless. Just knowing Tay a little, New knows the guy treasure his privacy. He could only sigh...

Well now I know, not all fans are the same. New smiled at the thought, at least spending time with Tay warm his heart, just like the night they met each other.

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