Twenty five

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"Like that's even possible, Happy birthday Bella" Esme laughed before giving Bella a hug. There was a sudden snap of a camera with a sneaky Alice behind hit. 

"I found this in your bag, hope you don't mind!" She told Bella buzzing with excitement

Emmett decided to but in, "Dating an older woman? Hot," he wiggled his brows with a suggestive look but it was quickly elbowed away by Asher who gave him a look. Earning a soft what from Emmett. 

"Present time!!" Alice called. 

Rosalie shoved a silver box into her hands, "It's necklace, Ash and Alice picked it out." 

"Thanks," Bella mumbled out while snuggling to open the wrapping and just like that the night turned into a disaster, she had gotten a paper cut that was bleeding. 

The sweet aroma filled the air almost immediately, Asher tensed up at the smell trying his best to keep it together but Jasper on the other hand lost it completely. Lunging towards the girl and Edwards response by throwing her back into a table... covered with crystal glasses. She was cut up even more and it was overwhelming Asher to the point Emmett had to wrap him stone hard. 

Carlisle was next to Bella putting pressure on her arm, "Get them out of here," he said sternly. 

Alice was trying to calm Jasper down too but it wasn't working and they all headed outside. 

Asher took a seat at the forest edge, just enough to not smell blood and Emmett took the spot next to him. Feeling his comforting presence asher put his on his shoulder, he didn't like this feeling, the urge to murder in that little moment because of a drop of blood. 

"That was a doozy," Emmett comments earning a snort from Asher. 

"You don't say?"

"Don't beat yourself up too much babe, it was a complete accident," he reasoned trying to help him feel better. But Asher didn't respond, he was too stuck in his mind to respond.

He couldn't help but think that Edward was a little right about his control, sure he was better than most. It still wasn't up to the standard thats practically been set for him to live around his own sister, or better yet Charlie. Asher hadn't out much thought into staying away from his father because if he really thought about it he'd just spiral even more because Charlie was his rock for the most part. Being the biggest supporter in his life and just letting him live his own truth was more than other people could say that had a hand in raising him. 

After the house had been sterilized to pretty much hospital standards the others were let back in and it was time for another family meeting, and this one was going to be way worse than the first one. 

Edward, of course, was the first to speak "We should leave Forks," and thats all he said. 

Ashers heart dropped the floor, along with the rest of the family. "You want me to just leave my family to please you because of one accident?" Asher spoke out pretty much livid at the idea. Sure he was planning on going on a long trip with Emmett, but when the Cullens leave it turns into at least 80 years of avoiding the place. 

Carlisle stepped in on that note, "We don't need to leave right this second Edward we have a few more years," he really liked this era of Forks and it wouldn't feel right to leave just yet. 

"We've already caused so much trouble for Bella! Not to mention Asher, he changed into one of us and he'd only just moved back to be with his father," Edward argued, "Not to mention since he's changed his control isn't the best when we're in such a small town and thats even more reason to leave!" 

"You can't pin this just on Asher, Edward! It wasn't any of our faults for this happening to him, those moronic nomads decided to ruin the life we had!" Rosalie defended in a second. Hating how much Asher was being blamed for all of this happening, because it really wasn't. Edward decided to pursue the girl and if she wasn't so addicting then everything would have been fine, if she wasn't so willing to throw her life away then life would be going smoothly still. Isabella Marie Swan ruined the peace the Cullens had built over so many years because of her aromatic scent. 

"Alice please help me," Edward pleaded and she obliged by flipping through the Rolodex that is her mind when visions come. 

"I don't have a clear picture because we're so undecided Edward," was her answer and he let out an exasperated breath. This wasn't going how he pictured it, everyone was going to be onboard and move in a second. Asher was going to be the only issue in this solution, he wouldn't want to leave so suddenly and for long. 

"How about Asher stays and we leave? Since he's so tied to this place and he'll join us when the times right?" Alice asked, it wasn't the best option but it was something. 

Asher scoffed at the proposition, "Nope not happening you all have to stay or she will break to pieces and I can promise you that, Edward and his mind games have made her latch onto him like a leech needing to live. Don't you all see that?" Asher explained.

"Thats how you can help, by using your gift you'll take away her pain and help her thrive while we're gone," Alice explained more hoping this would go over better. 

"Alice, having someone leave isn't something you can just erase. With a breakup to this magnitude she'll need this heart break to move on and flourish as a person," he told her. It seems the longer they aren't human the harder it is to remember emotions, and in Alices case she doesn't remember anything from her past life. 

They all thought about what he said and the first to have something to say was Edward once again, "Then thats more of a reason to leave Asher, don't you see? You want her to keep living just as much as I do, why can't you just let us do this?"

He scoffed once again at Edward, "You don't see the picture im painting Edward, once you leave she'll be so broken and I won't be that much of a help. Charlie will have no clue what to do and I can't be there to help him cope with how broke she'll be because im supposedly at some college." 

"You're being impossible Asher," he simply scoffed at the younger vampire. 

"I'm being impossible? You're one to say that Eddie," and with that he promptly walked out of the house for another walk through the woods. No destination in sight, pissed off and worried for the well being of Bella. This was not how he thought her birthday was going to be, thats one thing he was for sure about. 


 Who am I writing this much?? 

But for real, I had to put on the movies to get some inspo because nothing was cooking in this brain. Anyways, I hope you love it! I think it's pretty good, but give me your thoughts and opinions! 


I know that you guys wanted more human characteristics but I don't like that vibe of vampire myself, unless its the cgi baby, so apologies if I disappointed in that boat. But for this event specifically Asher needed to be somewhat like a normal new born and it really just made sense in my noggin, again thank you so much for reading!!

- Jordon 

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