It's Not the End Yet...

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    Livia looked at Darius blankly and a bit dumbfounded " You mean...right now? A-Are you...serious..?" Darius could feel the sadness in his mother and looked down sadly... He DID want to leave this world, but he didn't want to leave his mother... But he knew that bringing her somewhere far-off might cause a heart attack due to old age.. He sighed "Sì... Sì lo faccio... Mom, I have to.. I want to prove my dreams right.. I want to prove that all this time, I wasn't wrong... I put my soul and love into this hard work.. And I don't want it to go to waste.. I don't want to give up.." Then Darius raises up his face and showed a bittersweet smile "This is why I have to leave for the sake of my dreams and the world that I've been hoping to see all these years. I need to do this alone cuz I don't want to put you in danger... I want you to continue live long and not worry about me too much... I can take care of myself..really.." He finished his sentence as tears began flowing down Livia's face.. She rubbed her eyes and embraced her son as tight as she could "S-Sono...s-sono felice che tu sia mio figlio... Ti amo tanto..." And with these words, Darius also teared up and hugged his mother.. The said words meant 'I'm glad you're my child. I love you so much'. What kind of mother wouldn't say that to their child who's a real gift from God?

   After a couple of minutes of sharing loving family embraces, Darius eventually had to let go of his mother and made his way to his ship. He pulled a lever to open the gates and waved back at Livia "Bye, mom.. I promise, I'll be back as soon as I can! You don't have to worry.." Livia wiped the tears from her eyes for the possible last time for today and smiled "B-Be safe no matter what! Don't forget to..bring me along some time.." Darius chuckled "Hehe, I won't!" He did a few steps forward but then looked back at Livia again "Don't miss me.." And eventually he entered his ship and closed the gates. In a few seconds, Darius started up the ship and it floated up in the air a bit and was slowly going up. The engines bursted out and the ship flew fast into the skies.. Livia was still standing on the ground below and waving goodbye to her son.

   Meanwhile... While driving all the way up to the skies, Darius triumphantly sang to himself "🎶I am on my way! Ce la posso fare!
I don't care how far...somehow I'll be strong!
I knew every mile will be worth my while~
I would go most anywhere, to FIND WHERE I BELOOOOOOOONG~!!🎶" As he finished the tune he couldn't finish 25 years ago, he officially quit the Earth and its blue skies... What he saw was something he actually didn't expect. There was just...a black void of nothing... When he turned to the direction of Earth, he was shocked... He never imagined it to look like a large blue and green sphere with white clouds. He thought to himself 'No way those spheres are surrounded by this black nothing... But... What if the world that I'm dreaming of looks like this sphere?' Then he smiled 'I REALLY hope so. I don't care if it looks different on outside. I just want to find new beings to live with, beautiful environment and peace' But the thoughts were interrupted by some beeping coming from the radar place above the steering wheel. It said 'Object with breathable atmosphere has been found 10 light years away'. Darius, instead of being glad, he was dumbfounded and shocked 'Wait- what? 10 light years? What? What does that mean-? A distance measure-? Or is it how many years I should waste to reach that world I want to live in-?' But then he moaned in frustration out loud "UWAAAAAH, THIS IS MORE DIFFICULT THAN I IMAGINED IT TO BE-! Alright, calm down Darius... It said breathable atmosphere, right? That means that this place is possible to breath on, just like Earth... Maybe the '10 light years' is a distance measure. Hmm..." He went silent once again 'My ship's speed is higher than the speed of light itself. If it will take me JUST a few years to get to that sphere... Maybe I'll still survive? Sounds inhuman, but...I think I was born for such inhuman things like this... So I believe I can do it. No way I'm going to let some brutes take the high of me. I dedicated my whole life into this objective. No way I'm gonna lose... No way I'm gonna back down... My dreams are my life. And I'm not ever gonna give up on that life. And if I'm ever gonna die, then I'll die with no regrets!' And with these words, Darius typed the coordinates of the sphere he's going to make his way to and turned on the hyperdrive that was faster than the speed of light itself... What did he mean by 'just a few years'? How long exactly would it take him to reach the said world he wants to spend the rest of his life in? Will it be something we ever find out or not? Who knows if he survives this journey or not... I guess it continues in the short summary called 'How It Began'

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