Further Accomplishments?

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   Livia looked at Darius shocked and saddened.. It hurt her to see her son being sad over these facts.. Most importantly, she hated seeing him suffer from these facts. Therefore, it was an actual rarity to see someone like Darius cry and lose the shine in his eyes.. Livia pulled Darius into a hug and started comforting him "You're right... You're right about everything you said... Also...remember that no one actually denies your dreams.. You have a mother who supports you no matter what, which is me.. I believe that one day, you WILL find that World Behind the Blue Skies... And if it will be possible, don't forget to show it to me. I'll be happy to know that you'll finally get what you wanted.. I mean it" She smiled a bittersweet smile as Darius raised up his tear-stained face and looked at Livia surprised.. It also filled him with some hope that his impossible dream is possible. He smiled and wiped his tears completely. But then he said "Is it okay if I come back late a little..? I just want to clear up my thoughts.." Livia nods "Of course, son. I don't mind.. Do whatever you want. But don't be gone for too long" Darius immediately slid down the roof and ran into the direction of Rome's walls. Livia waved as she also came down the roof and entered the house.

   Darius reached the wall and climbed on top of it. Good thing it was the Western side. The sunset mixed with yellow, orange, red and purple colours with clouds taking the colour pink and dark red instead of white were all present.. The big yellow sun was slowly turning redder as it kept coming down.. Darius set on the edge of the wall and sighed.. Then he began singing "🎶I have often dreamed...of a far-off place..
Where a great warm welcome will be waiting for me..
Where the crowds will cheer...when they see my face..
And a voice keeps saying...this is where I'm meant to be..!🎶" Darius stood up and looked at the sky. While singing he began walking on the surface of the wall "🎶I will find my way... Ce la posso fare..!
I'll be there someday...if I can be strong..
I know every mile will be worth my while..
I would go most anywhere to feel like I...beloooooong..~🎶".
   And like that, after Darius finished the tune, he kept walking on wall's surface and looking deep into the forest.. That helped him to remember someone he found when he was a child. He mischievously grinned and slid down the wall and ran into the forest. That place wasn't very far from the walls. In a few seconds, Darius was already there: a big metallic spaceship with only its platform and pilot seat made. Nearby, there was a bag of instruments. Darius picked up the bag and grabbed what he needed from there "Well ciao there, buddy. When I'm done with you, I'll be finally able to leave this place to a whole new world... A whole new World Behind the Blue Skies, heheh.." He chuckled and continued building his spaceship.

   Alright, let's say...a lot of years passed. Well, 29 years to be exact. But if seriously, it would make 40 since Darius found the ruins of the spaceship at the age of 4. During that huge time skip, a lot of things happened... Including wars, slaughtering and much more. Darius ignored all these problems. He spent most of the time building his spaceship.. He had no time for romantic relationships and military. He was DEDICATED to escape this cruel world of violence and injustice. But...he could not ignore his only family: mother Livia. He had to take care of her when she couldn't do something herself and help her no matter what. And because of that, the process of building the spaceship was slow.. But Darius wasn't mad about it, he knew that family is also very important in life, not just dreams. And one day, in August 5th of 4 BCE, it was finally done...

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