Chapter thirty four: Blue flames

Start from the beginning

Soon enough she was curled into herself, her knees pushed against her chest as she sobbed.

She was heartbroken, Everyone hates me she thought to herself.

She sat there for hours, sobbing uncontrollably trying to settle her breathing but no luck.

When the night came she felt exhausted, she stopped crying but her cheeks were stained with tears, her eyes red and puffy and she felt so much until she felt... nothing.

The hex behind her started to disappear she quickly got up, she looked up and saw Sophia and Wanda flying away.

"Pull yourself together" she whispered quietly to herself

and without thinking too much about it she flew after them.

~End of flashback~

Ivy closed her eyes slowly and took a deep breath. Her mind started to wander between many minds but not Vision's.

After trying for what seemed like hours, she gave up knowing there isn't any chance to connect with a synthezoid.

She walked slowly to the front of the jet where Wanda was reading.

Wanda slowly looked up at her with curious eyes "Did you do it?"

"I-" Ivy started but she was scared to get those words out of her mouth

"Oh" Wanda said as she looked down, a disappointed yet hurt look on her face.

"I'm sorry Wanda I really tried"

"It's fine, we can try again tomorrow"

"But, Wanda-"

"No! I don't care how much time it takes, we're going to find him!"

Ivy was taken back by the sudden harsh tone and flinched back a little

When Wanda started to get close to her she backed away.

Wanda looked at her, her green eyes started to get glassy,

"You're scared of me" she said, her tone was breathy and quiet

"No, no Wanda I didn't mean to-" Ivy started to ramble but Wanda stopped her

"No, it's uhh it's fine, you had hair in your face I just wanted to tuck it behind your ear for you" she said quietly

"Wanda I-"

"No , it's okay I uh I think i'm gonna go rest for a bit i'll see you in the morning"

"Okay" Ivy whispered

And with that Wanda walked to her place on the jet.

"Damn it!" Ivy said quietly, she mentlly cursed herself for making her feel this way, she actually thought Wanda was pretty awesome and at times even consider her as a mother figure.

The last thing she wanted was for Wanda to feel like she was scared of her but she blew it.

~Flashback: the avengers compound, after they came back from Sokovia~

"Wanda, I don't presume to know what you're feeling, but I would like to know. Should you wish to tell me. Should that be of some comfort to you" Vision said as he sat next to Wanda in her room.

"What makes you think that talking about it would bring me comfort?"

"Oh, see, I read that the..."

"The only thing that would bring me comfort is seeing him again...."

There was a moment of silence between them until Wanda looked up at him.

Vision could see the look of guilt in her eyes, her eyes were now full of tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"Are you...?" She started

"Am I what?" he asked softly

"Are you scared of me?" Vision looked at her confused

"No, I- why would you think that?"

"I don't know, I just feel like people don't really see me as an avenger, more of like a threat" she said her voice breaking a little.

"What makes you say that?" Vision asked, he saw Wanda playing with her fingers and her rings anxiously.

"I see", "I never asked for these powers I just feel out of control all of the time, and I hate to see the look in people's eyes when they are scared of me"

Vision took both of her hands in his and started to kiss them softly.

He planted soft kisses all over her hands until he looked back at her, their eyes locking together.

"I am not scared of you Wanda, no one is scared of you, yeah there maybe people who don't really understand your powers but that doesn't mean they are scared, they just don't know... they don't see you as I do"

"And how do you see me?" Wanda asked

"I see this beautiful, amazing and pure young woman who is a little afraid sometimes but deep down knows her worth, and i'll make sure I will help her see her beauty, inside and out"

Wanda wiped her tears and sniffled, "Thank you umm, that was really sweet"

"Are you feeling better?"  he asked, "A little bit" she smiled

"Do you want to join us in the kitchen, mr. Rogers is making dinner"

She nodded softly as they both walked downstairs.

~End of flashback~


Sophia slowly reached for the red flower glowing in a blue flame.

"Please, Tasha I beg you, come back to me" she whispered

The flame turned red, Sophia closed her eyes, she felt like her powers were telling her what to do.

She placed her hand above the flower, and the flame transformed to her hand.

She placed the flower back on the ground as the flame started to grow into a fireball in her hands.

Agatha watched her with eager eyes as she tried to control the power of the flame.

The flame exploded into millions of red butterflies but burned her hand in the process.

"Shit" she whispere yelled as she held onto her hand tightly.

She looked up the whole forest was gone, even Agatha, she looked around confused, nothing but red mist surrounded her.

She scanned the area until she heard a soft voice calling her.


A/N: Poor Wanda :(

Any guesses of what will happen next?

I've never written two flashbacks in one chapter but I felt like it was right to do it, I hope you liked it <3

Don't forget to take care of yourself! I love you all and I'll see you next chapter❤

A soulmate who wasn't meant to be (Sophia Maximoff x Ivy Harkness)Where stories live. Discover now