Chapter 30

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"stop looking at me"

"you are the one looking at me"

"no you"

"no you"

"ugh you started to look at me you ugly chick"

"no you started it first you king kong bing bong ding dong gorilla"

"A couple ready to break-up, that's what they are" Jin said, trying to hold back his laughter but eventually failed " i totally agree with you, but look at the other couple..............totally opposite of them" joon said looking at the other side of the table, which had lovely atmosphere all around it

"here kookie, let me feed you" yoongi said, holding up the spoon in front of jungkook's face but was stopped by a slam on the other side of the table

"now now now yoonie hyungie how come you forget about your cute little brother, come here feed me" Taehyung said while smiling creepily and making grabby hands towards yoongi who was busy cringing at the new nickname taehyung gave him

"i would rather not" yoongi said and continued to eat making taehyung sigh in relief 

'aaah still 3 hours are left and koo will come back to me' taehyung thought and pouted because the long 3 hours time, yeah this mafia king doesn't like to be apart from his boyfriend even for a second

after finishing their lunch koo and jimin went to talk about the new dress they brought recently while others just went to do their work with jin wanting to help them this time. while going through the papers taehyung noticed that some of them were wrong, all the calculations were messed up but he is shocked as it was yoongi who handled these documents, and when it come to Min Yoongi nothing i mean NOTHING can go wrong

"yoongi hyung all these papers are messed up, the calculations are wrong what the hell is this" taehyung asked while rubbing his forehead

"wait let me s-"

"dont scold my boyfriend kim taehyung" and this one sentence was enough for Taehyung to freeze like those guys in the cartoons

oh boy, how much the other enjoyed seeing the mafia king's misery

"that is it I had enough" saying this taehyung lifted jungkook up and started to walk outside, wanting to go home fast

"HEY what are you doing everyone are watching put me down" jungkook said and even though he wanted to sound angry, he was smiling like a crazy person internally

Hearing this taehyung just smirked, ignoring all the stares they were getting he made his way towards jungkook's ear who blushed by the sudden action and blushed even more when he felt taehyung's hot breath near his ear

"this ferocious tiger is stealing the cute little bunny" said taehyung and licked the younger's ear


A/N: I wanna kill myself so bad 🤡

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