Chapter 29

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"NO A BIG NO, THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL I'M GONNA ACCEPT IT NO WAY" Taehyung shouted at the other 4 males in the room who had a bored expression on their face "HOW IN THE FUCKING HELL DO YOU THINK I'LL BE SAYING OKAY TO THINS NO NO NO NO NO, I'M NOT ACCEPTING THIS AT ALL" He shouted again, glaring at jimin and suga

"Oh come on gorilla it is only for half day" jimin said, trying to convince the other male


"BOTH OF YOU STOP!! TAE IT IS JUST FOR A HALF DAY, IT IS NOT LIKE SUGA IS STEALING JUNGKOOK!! DONT MAKE IT A BIG ISSUE!!! IT'S JUST A CHALLENGE" Jin shouted, having enough of all the bickering happening from the past two hours

"NO-" Tae was about to protest again, but his inner voice stopped him "Oh come on tae it's not like koo is gonna accept this dumb challenge, just say yes, koo will not accept" said his inner voice

" *sigh* Fine fine " said Taehyung internally smirking

"What is happening here hyungie's" asked a sleepy bunny, who was rubbing his eyes cutely with a pillow in his other hand

Everyone tries their hard not to coo at the sight in front of them, but eventually failed as it was way too cute to handle

Everyone were brought back to reality when the bunny started making his way towards his Taehyung and sat on his lap, hugging his cooky plushy tightly and wearing his cooky eye mask, to sleep again

"Koo baby hyungie needs to say you something" Taehyung said while hugging the bunny boy tightly who just hummed

"Baby you need to open your eyes hmm" he said kissing koo's face continuously making the other boy giggle

"Yesh hyungie??"

"Well koo, you know as we all are bored, we decided to do a challenge, well off course the challenge is made by me and surprisingly this gorilla agreed to it" jimin said literally trying to snatch jungkook away from Taehyung

"Okie chim but what is the challenge" koo said, getting up from Taehyungs lap, who just whined and pouted while koo was jumping up and down due to intense excitement

"Well.......................................lazy cat here is gonna be your boyfriend for half a day while I become this gorilla's boyfriend for half a day" jimin said, making a disgusting face when he said that he will be becoming Tae's boyfriend for half a day
Oh poor jimin how much he not wanted this to happen, at least the intelligent monkey would be better but nah god hated him so much that he ended up with the gorilla who took away his cute little best friend
Suddenly this thought reminded him of the king kong movie

Meanwhile jungkook stood there with his wife bambi eyes, processing everything in his brain and seeing jungkook in this state, Taehyung smirked thinking that jungkook is gonna say no so he decided to speak up

"Well it was a huge disappointment-"



"WHAT?!?!?" Taehyung shouted, not believing his own ears........did his plan just backfire him???

"YESH YESH I'M EXCITED SO FROM NOW ON TILL THIS EVENING I'M MEOW-HYUNGIE'S BOYFRIEND!!!" Jungkook said, looking like a serious angry bunny because he didn't want to loose this challenge
Yeah his dada said that he should always win so he is gonna win this challenge

And between this whole challenge thing, there stood our Taehyung, whose soul left his body and made a firm decision that he is never gonna listen to his inner voice ever again.

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