
48 6 34

For the remainder of the meal, the girls mostly just talked about the show, and other things. When they were done, Zoey suggested they went shopping for camping clothes. They all agreed, and headed off to Kathmandu.

Livvy picked up a a jumper. "This good? I mean, I don't really camp, so...."

Amelia gave her a side hug. "That's perfect."

Zoey smiled at them.  They'd been friends forever, and their friendship was really sweet. Sometimes, she wished she could be that close to someone. She sighed, and picked up a top that said WHEN IT RAINS IT POURS. This is nice, she thought. It was brutally honest too. 


"Alright, I have everything I need," Sky said. 

"Same," Livvy and Amelia say. They look at each other and laugh. "We have got to stop doing that," Amelia says.

Zoey smiled, and put her stuff on the counter. "All right. How're we paying for all this shit? Sky?" she asked, since Sky was usually a millionaire

Sky puts her hands up. "I'm  literally broke. Don't look at me,"

The girls  frown.

"Cammy, 'borrowed' some money," she says to explain.

"Ahh," Amelia says. "I can pay,"

Livvy sighs in relief. "Great, 'cause I don't have any money on me. At least, not enough for that."

Amelia winks at her. "That's why I'm here!"

"I can help pay," Zoey says, wanting to help. You can't pay for the all of that on your own. She thinks.

Amelia waves her off. "Nah I'm good. I have enough. It's my pleasure."

Zoey nods. "If that's what you want."

Amelia smiles and pays for it. 

"370. 48," the clerk says.

Surprisingly, she doesn't seem fazed at all by the price. She's usually like that though. Ammy definitely isn't cheap. 

**Skip to Show*

Zoey panted and gasped for breath. She'd ran all the way to the school, and was trying to get down to the briefing they usually had before the show. 

"-Now, the audience will be expecting smiles, lots of excitement, that sort of thing," 

Zoey looked up and saw Ava, the Director. She quickly found her friends, and sat down with them.

"What'd I miss?" she pants. Sky smiles. "Nothing much. Only a reminder of the rules."

"-And now you may go and change into your first costume."

The girls stood up. "

"Zoey, go get your makeup on. I'll get your bag." Sky said.

Zoey smiled gratefully. This was one of those times she was really glad she had met her friends. "Thanks!" she yelled as she rushed down to the change rooms.  Her patrol leader Nicola put her hands up in frustration. "Where've you been?" 

Zoey started undressing and getting into her first costume. "I got held up. Older brothers and all that," 

Nicola sighed. "At least let me do your makeup." Zoey nods and throws on her shoes. "Kk,"

*Five minutes later*

"That's better," Nicola says. "Isn't it?" Zoey nods. "Thanks."

"It's what a PL's for-"

"Second call opening. Second call opening."

Zoey looks up. "That's me. I need a mic."

Nicola smiles. "Go."

Zoey rushes up the stairs. She really didn't want to be late for her first item. She did have a solo in the first one anyway.

"Mic 8 please. Zoey Lilac." she asked the mic dealer. He picked it up. "Here you go girl. Good luck."

Zoey smiled, then went behind the curtain with the other soloists. She couldn't say anything though, because she had a mic and she was on stage.

It was about a five minute start before the item started.  Zoey smiled, looked up, and sang.

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