Prolouge: Mama

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Mama!!!! That was the last thing Ellie Jones said to her mom when she was five years old. She still had nightmares of that night, still rubbing the scars as if that would bring her back. Nothing helped, the only thing that helped her sleep was having a motherly figure still around to make her feel better and two close friends who are among the few that really knew the truth that happened that night. Crazy girl they called her in the headlines, but she was not crazy, she knew what she saw when it happened! A flash of green light and her mama was gone! Gone without another word. Since that sad day her father never looked at her the same way again, she has not been able to feel love from her true family. She has only felt love from three different families through her experience: Diggorys', Weasleys', and the Longbottoms'. The Weasleys' took her in when her father didn't want her until she was eight. The Longbottoms' always were there when she wanted a grandmother figure. The Diggorys'...The Diggorys' was where her first crush lived, and her knight in shining armor. The one who protected her when people were bullying her at the funeral of her mother. That was six years ago..Now she was off to Hogwarts, looking around for an empty compartment when she saw him. The bully who has picked on her ever since that dreadful day was coming for her. She tried to run but she tripped over her own robes. She felt one of his goones pick her up, she braced for impact. The next thing she knew it, she hit against a window and heard some ask the bully what he was doing...

Tada :) End of the little sneak peak into Ellie's head :) told you its not the typical HP thing, but I hope you enjoy it :) I'm going to try to get at least a few chapters up this week or so that way people can sample the material and let me know if they actuall like where this is going or not :) I hope you all do, I've wanted to do this for a long time but I didn't know how :) DFTBA everyone :)

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