❦ Chapter 6 • Pact ❦

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Claire awoke with a start, feeling as cold as ice. Everything felt blinding as she opened her eyes. Once they adjusted, Claire realized that it had snowed overnight, and tiny flakes were continuing to fall from the morning sky.

What time is it? The sun doesn't look that high up, so it must still be morning, Claire pondered to herself. She looked around, Stryker curled up in a ball close by. Where's Jason?

That question was immediately answered as the machete-wielding killer glanced between the ashen pine needles that had kept most of the cold winds at bay. His normal left eye glimmered a tiny bit as Claire slipped out from underneath the spruce tree, tugging on Stryker's leash to get her companion up. The shepherd slowly got to his paws and would stretch his legs before padding out to join Claire and her zombie ally in the morning glow.

Jason was already beginning to lead the way into the forest, as if he didn't want to waste any time. Claire let out a nervous chuckle to the masked killer, making him stop.

"Uh… could you hold Stryker for me?" Claire asked. "I need to… use the bathroom." She looked around. There was hardly any cover thanks to wildfire stripping away almost all vegetation, but to her relief she spotted a clump of charred logs that seemed like a good spot to duck behind.

Jason didn't seem to mind, pointedly looking in the opposite direction until Claire returned to his side and took Stryker's leash back.

"Thanks, I didn't think I could wait until we came near civilization," Claire said as they walked.

Jason just nodded his head, showing her that he understood. At least he was respectful, if a serial killer could be.

Claire meanwhile marveled at the winter blanket that had fallen over the destroyed forest. It added a hint of beauty to the land, almost hiding the fact that a fire even passed through. She knew the forest would come back, starting slowly with the regrowth of grass and ferns before the trees followed. Claire just wished it hadn't been done by stupid people.

"You think the animals are sad they lost their homes too?" Claire asked out loud. "I haven't really seen any ever since the fire."

Jason just patted her twice on the head, as if telling her not to worry. His movements were not as awkward as they were before, as if he was becoming accustomed to her presence.

I guess I can't blame the guy or judge him when I have poor social skills myself, Claire giggled to herself. Jason must have been all alone with his mother, so he's probably not used to having anyone around. She felt a stab of anguish for the masked killer. Was that why he killed people? He probably had been so far removed from society that he no longer felt the need to assimilate into it or see regular people as people. Meanwhile, Claire still felt the need to be around others and a desire to have friends. How Jason could stand to live without others was a bit depressing but understandable. Maybe this tall hockey-masked killer could teach her how to be more self-reliant and how to live happily alone.

─── ༄ ───

The two would come to a rest by a truckstop at Claire's request by mid-afternoon. She felt awkward but a bit more confident in speaking up now that Jason gave her the greenlight to put in her input. She expected her supernatural ally to disregard her needs and put his desperation to return to his home over her, but for being a reclusive momma's boy gone awry, Jason was being a team player. At least for now. Claire wondered if he would ever get sick of pandering to her mortal needs.

Claire approached a vending machine to grab a couple water bottles and some snacks for the road. She hesitated, wondering if she should grab anything for Jason. He was a zombie and didn't seem to require any food, water, or sleep that she did, but perhaps the gesture would get Jason to thaw a little more towards her.

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