❦ Chapter 26 • If You Love Something, Let It Go ❦

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Jason skulked outside his makeshift camp, gathering spare supplies to rebuild his shanty in his meantime while he waited for Claire to make her choice. One thing haunted his mind; would she come back? He had decided to leave a note behind, hoping it would entice his friend enough. But he couldn't help but remain incredibly insecure.

"Now, don't fret," his mother coaxed him, "like I said, if the girl truly values the friendship, she will show."

Yes, Mommy. Jason couldn't exactly argue with that. He just had to pray that Claire would come. Forget Cole, he just wanted her back. If she didn't? Jason felt that he would force her back by any means necessary.

Jason watched the sun travel in the sky whenever he took the time to look up, growing more and more antsy as time went on. Claire should have made it here by now!

Sensing her son's growing stress, his mother was there once more to calm him down with her soothing voice. "Be patient, my sweet Jason. She may be lost. But she's bound to find her way. Your friend is quite the clever cookie."

She is. She really is something, Jason admitted as he scratched the back of his neck. He felt much calmer now with that implanted in his head. If she is lost, shouldn't I go find her then?

"Wait," his mother simply commanded, causing Jason to stop before he could stomp off into the brush.

Jason did as he was told, trusting his beloved mother's word that Claire would show. But he was already hatching a backup plan in case she didn't.

Yes, I will find her and bring her back here. Hopefully I can find something to bind her down in the meantime. Claire understands me. She'll know it's for her own good, Jason schemed to himself as he stood in silence. Once Cole and that woman with him have been eliminated, Claire and I will restore peace to these lands. Just like she promised.

Jason shook his head and began plotting his second plan; rebuilding his shanty and his mother's shrine. He refused to have his mother exposed for much longer. He was terrified of some scavenger taking off with what was left of her. He had witnessed several ravens picking decomposed flesh from the bodies that had once decorated the base of the shrine.

Good. They can have them, Jason inwardly muttered as he went about his work. I can always replace them with new offerings to satisfy Mother.

After a while of work, Jason realized he would need some more materials. He contemplated whether or not he ought to stay in case Claire really did return. But Jason also wanted to repair his mother's shrine as soon as possible. After a few minutes of thinking, Jason decided that rebuilding his mother's shelter was more important. After all, Claire wasn't going to escape him even if she wanted to. Jason knew he could have his friend back easily. But his mother was a different matter.

Jason covered his mother's decayed head with thorns to discourage carrion eaters from it, giving her forehead a quick kiss as he always did before he set out. It was a ritual for him.

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Jason began to make his way back to his shanty with his haul; some more wood and metal sheets. He had taken them from a nearby hardware store, to which he kept going back and forth and killing any unfortunate employee that spotted him. Jason didn't want anyone to know what he was up to, nor did he want to be met with resistance. So it was necessary for him to silently eliminate and discreetly dispose of anyone who had the slightest chance of getting in his way.

He suddenly came to a stop when he spotted a small shape loitering near his shanty. At first, Jason was outraged. Not only has an intruder crossed into his sanctuary, but they had the audacity to come right to his camp. Before Jason could whip out his machete and deal the invader a severe punishment, he instantly recognized the cute round face and flowing light brown locks of hair, and the gorgeous shepherd that paced at her heels.

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