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*Scott's POV*

I did it.

I did it and I'm not ashamed.

I could go into detail and use a bunch of fancy words, but I'm just gonna make it blunt.

I cut.

Yeah, I should be setting an example for Sam, but she's done it before. She knows it's wrong.

I don't really know why I cut.

I guess just because of... things.

I went to the hospital early today.

"Sam?" I walk into her room.

Her room is empty.

A nurse walks by.

"Looking for Sam? "

"Yeah, is she okay?"

"Yes, she's moved to the fifth floor." The nurse explains.

"Thank you." I say and walk to the elevators, praying that she's okay.

I look at the floor directory in the elevator.

Floor 5: Recovery.

Thank God.

I ask the desk person for her room and knock on her door.

"Come in!" She says.

I walk inside and she smiles.

"You scared me! I thought something happened to you." I say.

"Ohhh I forgot to text you!"

"It's alright. I'm just glad you're in recovery." I say.

There's a moment of silence.

"So are you excited for your hair to grow back?" I ask, breaking the awkward silence.

"Yeah! I hope it grows back red." She says and removes her headscarf. "You're the only person that I can take this off in front of."

"How come?"

"I don't like being bald. I feel less beautiful."

"Don't you ever say that. You're always beautiful!" I say and she pretends to flip her hair.

"Why thank you. I had my last chemo last night, so my hair should start growing back soon."

"I'm glad. Not that you're not beautiful without it, but I love your hair." I say and she looks at her phone.

"Did you know that Beyonce- Scott?"

"Yeah?" I asked and looked around. "Are you okay?"

"What are those?" She pulls up my sleeve.

"Those are old..."

"No, Scott. They're not. They're fresh. You promised!"

"I know, I just-"

"You're supposed to be the responsible one here! Why did you do it?" She asks, lowering her voice at the end.

"That doesn't concern you..."

"Doesn't "concern me"? Well, obviously you don't care about what I think and how much you mean to me."

There's another silence.

"I'll just leave, then." I say quietly and get up.

"Wait! Scott, don't go. I'm sorry. It just upsets me." She yells and I turn around.

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