I can't lose you! Not again! Part IV

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"Oui, mademoiselle" Blake winked as Rachel sighed lovingly, flushing beyond red. Blake started up the game, picking their old favourite love song and dancing her up a treat, Rachel actually laughing, enjoying herself. Had Blake managed to succeed in all his efforts already? There was only one way for him to find out. The hard way. As the song ended Rachel stepped away from him.
"If you dont stop this people will begin to think we're a couple." she folded her arms. Under the belief that she was joking, Blake smiled and asked
"Would that be such a bad thing? We once were, after all!" he smiled but received nothing but the cold shoulder as she turned away, giving him the response of
"But we aren't anymore."
"Rachel wait please I-" Blake tried to reason with her but it was useless. She handed back the Hello Kitty plush.
"Not after how you treated this career opportunity! Don't follow me." Rachel yelled at him before running off back home in tears. Blake sighed and went back to Terry, slouching on the sofa.
"Well? How'd it go?"
"Nice plan, I really appreciate the help, but it didn't work" Blake looked at the plush and sighed.
"Where'd you get the plush?" Terry asked, slowly conjuring up an alternate plan as he spoke with his brother.
"I won it for her at the arcade but she must be more mad at me than I thought. I really did try! I just don't get it........"
"Well it's just, okay, so I was thinking, maybe, if you left it on the doorstep, it might show her you care still, and maybe she will care again too! No harm in trying, right? I mean come on, at this point, what have you got to lose?" Terry smiled at him comfortingly.
"I suppose you're right. Thanks........" Blake got up and stretched.
"Hey, what are brothers for, hm?" Terry patted his back.
"You're the best." Blake gave Terry a hug before leaving to go carry out this next plan. Placing the plush on the doorstep, Blake quickly knocked before transforming into his wolf form and running away so he could hide quickly. He watched carefully and used this forms sensitive hearing to listen to any response Rachel might have. She came to the door and looked down. Picking up the plush, she groaned and said to herself
"He left this here." she took it back indoors and threw it at Silver.
"Here boy, a new chew toy for you. Have a field day. I couldn't care less right now." Rachel sat on the sofa and watched Silver tear up the plush. Thanks to his sensitive hearing, Blake heard this and whined, turning back into a human running off into the snow and cold wind. He started to slow down and shake, suddenly falling to his knees in the middle of the road. A car began to swerve toward him on black ice, the driver unable to control his car.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2021 ⏰

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