I can't lose you! Not again!

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"Honey you'll never guess what happened to me today!" Rachel came bursting through the front door, obviously excited about something. Blake looked up from his book. He was reading a 'The Way of the Househusband' manga.
"What is it? Please, do tell!" he responded to her exclamation. She sat down beside him, sidling up and cuddling his arm, clinging to him.
"As you very well know, I loooove fashion, riiiight? Well, and you just listen now, I was sat at that café we like having some milk tea and mochi as I drew some new designs, and that's when it happened!"
"Stop beating around the bush, tell me already, you've gotten me all excited!" Blake looked down at her.
"Okay okay, so this guy came and sat by me-" Rachel seemed very happy about this.
"A- a guy?" Blake raised a brow at her.
"Yes yes, a guy, pay attention. He asked me if my designs were for my boss, but I told him I wasn't employed, so he offered me a career designing fashion for his company!" Rachel looked up at him, a sparkle in her eyes. "Isn't this great?"
Blake straightened his glasses and got up to put his book away, a little speechless. Rachel followed him, a little upset, thinking he wasn't happy for her. "What's wrong sweetie?"
Blake turned to her and asked "You didnt tell him yes did you?"
Rachel looked taken aback. "Of course I did, why would you ask me that?"
"Because guys are only nice to women when they want to sleep with them! He's offering you this to get you in bed with him! Can't you see what he-" suddenly, Rachel decided to smack him across the face.
"What- ow! What gives?" Blake rubbed his cheek, a red mark forming already. He looked up at Rachel, who looked absolutely fuming with rage.
"I'll tell you what gives you ungrateful bastard! You're being beyond disrespectful to me, and all over a career opportunity! Don't you see what good this will do? You have glasses for a reason, fucking use them! You're supposed to be smart! I can't believe you right now honestly I don't know what's gotten into you lately but it stops here and now do you hear me you idiot? You know what, all of that probably isn't getting through to that thick head of yours, but I'll bet this is going to. The wedding is off!" Rachel yelled as she stormed out, furious with him for acting the way he just did. Blake sank to his knees, his heart shattering. All he wanted to do was love her and protect her, and he even messed that up. He simply removed his glasses and sat there, crying his eyes out. She was the love of his life and now she hates him with every ounce of being. What was he supposed to do now? He felt utterly useless and completely powerless in this situation. Was this going to be permanent?

Blake X RachelWhere stories live. Discover now