Why you to would breakup. (Day 3.)

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Diavolo: He is mostly focused on his work.

Barbatos: He has been working to much and you told him to take a break but he hasn't listened to you.

Simeon: He is to overprotective on you.

Solomon: Makes to many potions that annoy you.

Lucifer: More focused on his work than he is focused on you.

Mammon: He is to greedy and takes everything that you buy for yourself.

Leviathan: He doesn't pay much attention to you and only plays his games and watches his anime.

Satan: He would not put a book down for you and wouldn't not give you attention.

Asmodeus: He flirts with other people because well yeah-.

Beelzbub: To worried about his twin brother more than you.

Belphiegor: Sleeps all the time and dosent give you any attention.
Heheh yay today is Friday no school for me tomorrow!-

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