Chapt 8 - Communication but make it sexual

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3rd person pov
Not sure if this is cannon or not to head cannon: bakugou can cook, like really well
Also head cannon, bakugou is hypersexual 

The next week flew by pretty quick

Katsuki and Himiko were basically stuck beside each other, they had a bit of honeymoon fever, not in a bad way but they were very kissy and lovely, made some of the others annoyed, so naturally out of spite katsuki only amplifed it by being lovey with Himi any chance he got

During the week the league also somewhat trained Katsuki, Himiko showed him how to throw knifes and showed him how to get away with arson, you know, the usual

Today however was a bit different

Let's just say katsuki was a bit.. Frustrated, in a sexual sense

Himiko however being on the Asexual spectrum and just not paying much attention to sexual advances in general was oblivious

Which katsuki definitely noticed, he'd try and advance the kissing but she didn't really understand the hint enough to get it

Which only frustrated him more because her innocent sitting in his lap and biting him and kissing him only turned him on more

He seemed agitated this morning while he made breakfast, he kinda became the cook around here as he's the only one who really knows how

himiko instantly sensed this as she approached him

"'Suki?" She asked curiously

He glanced at her, his face softening as he looked down at her

"Yeah, himi?" He asked

"You seem annoyed, are you okay?" She asked hugging onto his side

The more he spent time with her the more empathetic and sympathetic he realized she was

Just goes to show how misunderstood she really is

Just as he's soft and kind around her, showing how misunderstood he is

"I'm alright" he said trailing off a bit, wondering how to bring it up

He wasn't very good with communication, living with a women like his mother kind of built the foundation of his trust and communication issues, aswell as his emotional issues- so really just all his issues go back to her and his dad who neglected the abuse going on

"Are you sure?" Himiko asked not beliving him

He nodded and she made a mental note to bring it up again later, for now though she decided to just watch him cook, loosely hugging to his side

He kissed the top of her head and moved from her as he started plating food and set his and Himikos on the bar counter so they could eat together as they usually did


The two were now currently laying in bakugous bed watching a Disney movie on his phone

It was a few hours sense the conversation this morning and Himiko looked up at katsuki after a moment

He looked down at her sensing her gaze

"Yes?" He asked

"This morning you were angry seeming, more then you usually are recently, did something happen?" Toga asked curiously

Katsukis sighed "no, but there is something I want to talk to you about, I just don't know where to start" he said

Himikos heart instantly sank, her abandonment issues swarming her brain rather then logic

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