Chapter 51

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Lan wangji
Lan zhan had woken up early as usual, seeing wei ying in his embrace, sleeping peacefully made his heart sink in love.

Wei ying's straight silvery hairs were around him messy adding to his beauty.

Lan zhan wished he could wake up with wei ying by his side and the first one he could see was always wei ying.Lan zhan caressed his hair and kissed his head.

Wei ying moved a little more closer to him in his sleep.Lan zhan saw his hand and remembered his injury.He got up quietly and went to bring disinfectant and bandage.

After a while

Lan zhan opened the door soundlessly and came inside, wei ying was asleep still.

lan zhan carefully tried apply disinfectant on his wound, wei ying moved slightly when he felt pain.lan zhan did his best to apply smoothly but he could not reduce the pain, the wound was deep one.

Wei ying moved his head to right and left painfully and finally opened his eyes
" my hand!" Wei ying looked at lan zhan grabbed his hand and has finished applying and currently was bandaging his hand

"Wei ying" lan zhan bandaged it carefully.

Wei ying sat up completely " lan zhan"

Lan zhan kissed his palm on the bandage gently.
"Thanks lan zhan" wei ying smiled at him beautifully.

Lan zhan suddenly blushed and looked down.Wei ying got curious why he suddenly blushed
"Lan zhan?" Wei ying curiously called him seeing his ears red.

"Wei ying,your body" lan zhan pointed to his pale skin covered with marks.Wei ying immediately covered himself .

"I-I ..wanna take a bath!" Wei ying hurriedly tried to stand up with blanket around himself.As soon as he stand up, he felt so much pain at his back that bent over.

Lan zhan immediately caught him

"Wei ying! Do you have pain?! Let me help you"
"No lan-" wei ying said while blushing

Lan zhan picked him up easily like he was a feather, wei ying's head rested to his chest.

Lan zhan put him on table to sit and went to prepare the water.When he finished , he came back and took wei ying to the bath.

"Lan zhan! I can take bath myself"

Lan zhan put him down and turned his back so wei ying could comfortably take bath.Wei ying watched lan zhan not turning and standing all the time there.

He thought lan zhan was really thoughtful and gentle, caring for him so much.
It all result in beautiful smile.

After a while

"Lan zhan I finished"

Lan zhan turned around and picked soaked wei ying wrapped with cover .

When wei ying settled down on bed, lan zhan helped him to wear his clothes as much as he could.Lan zhan took the towel and started to dry his hair gently.

Wei ying leaned to his touches, it felt so good being in lan zhan's care.

Lan zhan kissed his hair "I will take quick bath"
"Hm" wei ying nodded and watched as lan zhan went.

He was resting when suddenly wei ying heard his uncle's voice at first he thought he heard it wrong but..

Uncle opened the door hurriedly

"Wei ying!" Uncle saw him sitting on bed

"Uncle"wei ying stood up suddenly which resulted in pain.He had not recovered completely yet and now...

"Wei ying? What is it?! Did that Hu min hurt you?" Uncle examined his bandaged wound then all looked to see if he was unharmed.

"Wait...What are these?!" Uncle noticed marks on his neck.He looked questioned at wei ying.
"Wei ying, what is this sound?" Lan zhan came soon when he heard sounds.

Uncle looked at lan wangji already took bath , marks all over wei ying's neck, wei ying unable to stand properly maybe due to the backache...

He put all of them together" Did you sleep with my nephew?!" Uncle shocked shouted.

Both did not know what to say, wei ying finally broke the awkward silent "Uncle, I will explain everything , lan zhan has not done anything wrong" wei ying hardly stood.

He guided uncle to sit, he also sat in front of him. The table were not as smooth as bed and wei ying was having hard time sitting but he tried to endure the pain.There was more important matter than the pain.

"Yesterday Hu Min wanted to assault me , I was aware of it but I didn't know he was going to put aphrodisiac in my wine.

I was careless and drank it.Before he could do anything, I tried to run away but I was surrounded by them until lan zhan came..."

wei ying looked shyly at uncle then lan zhan who had grabbed his hand warmly

" I had a lot of pain because of the aphrodisiac but Lan zhan helped me, he didn't force himself or anything" wei ying nervously told uncle, waited for his reaction.

"Okey, I would let you slide with this matter but don't forget that I am always observing your behavior toward my nephew" uncle stood up to leave.

Wei ying wanted to stood up to accompany him to outside when lan zhan prevented it.

"Sit still, it is not good for you to move so much, I will accompany him to outside" lan zhan gently kissed his head. Uncle rolled his eyes, definitely jiang cheng had inherited it from uncle.

Wei ying rested his head to the table , closed his eyes and rested like that.

He was so tired but he should have come back today to the castle, he did not want to get to encounter those nightmares again but maybe that castle was cursed place for him so he could not sleep peacefully there again.

Okey guys I can't write more than theses chapters today, I am so dawn sleepy , good night🤗

You are my fate (wangxian)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora