Suzukawa Family Dinner

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Three minutes later he arrived, he got out of his motorbike and removed his helmet. He wore a simple plain white t-shirt and a blue long-sleeved cardigan, black jeans and black sneakers. Ichigo just got out of the gate, she wore a simple plain white long-sleeved top with a pink skirt that reached an inch below her knees, pastel pink doll shoes and kept her iconic red ribbon. (Refer to pic above)

"Did I make you wait?" he asked, Ichigo lightly shook her head and smiled.
"I just got out" she said walking towards him smiling. Naoto smiled a bit and gave her a kiss on the forehead making her cheeks flush. He placed a helmet on her head and fastened it then did the same to his own,
"Let's go" he said as Ichigo nodded. They both rode on the motorbike, he started the engine as Ichigo wrapped her arms around him then they headed off to the Suzukawa residence.


Naoto's mother hummed as she cooked. Once in a while she'd look at the time and would estimate when her son would arrive with his girlfriend. Just when she finished cooking, the door to the apartment burst open revealing her daughter Tiara.
"I'm home!" she called as she removed her sandals and walked in.
"I'm not late right?" she asked,
"You came just in time. Naoto and Ichigo-chan will be here in a few minutes" her mother said,
"Okay, I'll change first and I'll come help you!" Tiara said as she entered her room.

That's when the door burst open again, this time revealing the father.
"I'm back!" he called removing his shoes and coat then hanging it to the rack by the door.
"Naoto's not here yet right?" he asked as he hugged his wife from behind.
"Not yet" the mother replied as she tasted a bit of her cooking.
"You should change now" she added as her husband chuckled
"Haha, alright" he said as he went to their room and changed. Tiara finished changing and is currently helping her mother prepare the table, after that the mother then changed her clothes. Now all they have to do is wait for their son and potential in-law.

The couple finally arrived at the apartment building. They got off the motorbike and removed their helmets then walked to Naoto's apartment. Arriving at the door, Ichigo sweat dropped as she gulped which Naoto noticed.
"Are you okay?" he asked,
"I'm just a little nervous..." Ichigo admitted, Naoto held her hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze.
"Don't worry. My family will love you" he said with a small smile. Ichigo smiled in return and exhaled calming herself while Naoto opened the door and led them in.
"I'm home" he said as he shut the door behind them. Greeting them by the door is none other than Yumesaki Tiara in casual clothes. She grinned as she waved at the two.
"Welcome home Nao-kun, Ichigo-chan!" she greeted.
"Pardon the intrusion Tiara-san" Ichigo said after she removed her shoes.
"No need to be so formal. You can call me 'onee-chan'!" Tiara said as she held Ichigo's hands.
"O-okay Tiara onee-chan!" Ichigo said as Tiara giggled while Naoto gave her a look.
"Anyway! Come in come in! Mom and dad are waiting inside" Tiara said as she gestured the couple to follow her. Naoto sighed at Tiara's attitude while Ichigo giggled to herself.

They walked to the living room where Naoto's parents waited, they stood up as Tiara joined their side.
"Ichigo, they are my parents" Naoto introduced as he gestured to the man and woman.
"I'm Suzukawa Heika, Naoto's dad!" the father introduced with a grin similar to Tiara's.
"I am Naoto's mother Suzukawa Megumi. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ichigo-chan" the mother with a small smile similar to Naoto's.
"I'm Hoshimiya Ichigo, Naoto's g-girlfriend! It's nice to meet you!" Ichigo stuttered a bit as she bowed. Megumi giggled slightly as she held Ichigo's hands in her own.
"No need to be stiff Ichigo-chan. Just relax" she said.
"Yeah! You're a part of the family now so make yourself at home!" Heika beamed. This eased the tension and anxiety Ichigo felt so she curled her lips into a smile.
"Okay!" she said, Naoto smiled at this glad that they were getting along.

Megumi gestured them all at the table, the food was appetizing that Ichigo drooled a bit, Naoto only wiped it with his handkerchief making Ichigo flush red from embarrassment. They all sat together and chat as they ate. With the first bite, Ichigo had stars on her eyes as she found the food delicious which made Megumi happy for she wanted to impress Ichigo with her cooking. Throughout their dinner, Ichigo and Naoto told the family about how they first met to a steady friendship to falling in love and confessing, both Heika and Tiara were excited the whole time while Megumk remained calm as she listened. Ichigo also noticed that Heika has brown hair and golden eyes while Megumi has raven black hair and violet eyes. 'So Tiara onee-chan got her eyes from their mom and her hair and attitude from their dad while Naoto got his eyes from their dad and his hair and attitude from their mom' Ichigo thought as she stuffed her face with food. She also learned that Heika is an electrical engineer while Megumi is a musician who used to participate in competitions. She concluded that Naoto loved music through his mom.

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