lil info (not that important u can skip)

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He got kidnapped in ua, on a walk. It was like really late so no one saw him

I wanted to make it where people still knew him but with their whole security thing that's difficult so get outside the grounds and they just snatched the lil guy!

The original fic was made two years ago, I was probably in middle school and bored in class, i'm redoing this because I think this can be better.

(I am also in a lil dilemma where I can't sleep... it's 1 AM on a school night)

The portrayal of characters WILL be ooc for the story. I don't know if this was my original plan, but i'm going to portray a personality change due to torture. So Deku's personality will change.

Also I haven't watched this anime in a bit, but i feel bad leaving this fic unfinished.

Anyways this is more or less just my input? I guess.

I do have a rough idea on where i'm going with this, so it's gonna be revamped.

If you are confused about ANYTHING please do not hesitate to ask! I usually reply to comments.

Thank you for reading, I will have an a/n at the end of each chapter, along with the amount of words. They will mainly be about the chapter (obviously) and I just wanna surpass my lil ol word limit.

Not doing it for this one cause it's TECHNICALLY an a/n. (Went overboard)

BUT! Enjoy the new n improved version of this fanfic!

Side note: i'm taking psychology so I might add some things psych related (prob not im not THAT smart)

anyways im done rambling (ill do more of that next chapter HAHAHAA)

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