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I actually love Mitski SMMMMMMM. Her music??? 10/10!!! Side note; you probably noticed if you read the old version I changed the perspective up last chapter instead of this chapter. not doing switches every chapter but I wanted to make it known that they are aware he is 'missing'.  Enjoy!

When he woke up again, he felt better, ironic, given his situation. Izuku was somewhat aware of where he is and the restrictions that are currently bound on him. Besides, there's nothing else he can do but communicate, right?

As if on cue, the door opens. It's the same man, he'll probably be showing up every time. His attire looked of that of a business man, but his face resembled something akin to a drug addict. Izuku shouldn't judge, he probably looks like a mess aswell. Atleast the man tried to make his hair presentable, although the man's curls looked out of whack nonetheless.

"You seem more lucid today. I'm glad. We can finally have that long awaited conversation." The man stepped in, and some workers, probably working for him, left the room. They closed the door, but didn't lock it. So when this man is in the room is when they don't lock it. He must be the one in possession of the key.

"Ah, how rude of me. You don't even know my name." He chuckles in embarrassment, he is acting like these are normal circumstances. What a bizarre man. "Allow me to introduce myself, well, my alias atleast. I go by Zed. And you're Izuku Midoriya, or would you prefer your hero name, Deku?"

"How do you know my name?" He's unsure how he knew his hero name also, but opted to not question that, since if this was answered, it should answer both questions. Hypothetically, of course.

"I have been watching you for a long time, Izuku. I have grand plans. My quirk allows me to make experiments fairly easily, but at the cost of a human's mental stability." He speaks like he isn't talking about toying with literal humans. What is wrong with this 'Zed' guy? "Now, you were perfect for my experiment. You were quirkless, then you gained a very powerful quirk. How I wanted to experiment on you as soon as I first laid my eyes on you."

He gets closer to izuku, a cold look in his eyes. One that shows a man who has to mercy for other's feelings. "I had to wait. Wait until the League of Villains distracted the heroes. Then give or take a few days for them to lower their guard. and catch you." The man suddenly chuckles. "But you made it so much easier, Izuku. You went on a walk, at night, alone. It was as easy as catching a mouse in a trap, and you were none the wiser."

Izuku thinks for a moment about what's said, the. he realized that there was a statement that ticked him off. "How... did you know I was quirkless?"

"Like I said, I have been watching you for a long time. But i guess simply watching wouldn't decipher that. Since I laid my eyes on you, I had to do some.... research." The man walks away once more, seemingly just walking while talking."

"Doctors are willing to give information about the quirkless without much of a hassle. When I first saw you, I was unaware of this fact. I was expecting to need to persuade them a little." When persuaded was mentioned, there was an eerie tone that gave him shivers, along with the glint in his eye. "There was no hassle whatsoever."

"So you just grabbed my medical records?" Izuku questions. He is aware how quirkless people are treated, as he was once one himself, so he doesn't find the fact they would do this hard to believe at all.

"Bingo. Aw, aren't you a smart little one?" The man pats Izuku's head, despite Izuku trying to dodge it. It was more of a reflex than actual thinking, considering he wouldn't be able to get away anyways, confined like that.

"Now! I feel as if we should be nice to our subjects, yes? So, on your first day here... lucid at least. You get no experimentation done!" He claps his hand and speaks excitedly, as if he were a kid being told he's going to Disney. One thing is for sure, Zed is a psycho.

"Tomorrow the experimentation starts, so use the time you have wisely. Well, not like you'll be able to escape anyways, but maybe just spare some thoughts while your palate is clean. Oh! Speaking of palate, we haven't fed you yet. Poor thing, must be starving." He feigns sadness, which is not a good look on him. Why would he pretend to be sad about his prisoner starving? What is his deal?

"Every day you are conscious, we will give you one meal. use that meal wisely! We don't give it a specific time, we don't want your body getting used to eating at a certain time, do we?"

"How am I supposed to eat tied up?" Izuku asks the obvious. Cause, really, he can't move his arms.

Zed, however, just laughs. "You're silly! We have a worker that will come in at random to feed you! so, I guess you technically can't savor your food, but oh well! Atleast we're feeding you."

"One last question. The bathroom situation."

"Ah! Most common asked question! Well, I guess that does make sense, considering you do need to use the bathroom. Like with feeding you, we will pull you out at random to let you do your business. It will be twice though, not once. Reason for that is people tend to need to use the bathroom more often. This is less than recommended by doctors, but i'm sure you'll survive."

He starts heading to the exit, well, more like skipping. There is no way this man is an adult.

"Gonna get your food! Behave!" Then the door slammed, but he didn't lock. I guess it wouldn't make sense for him to lock it, if he was coming back.

Izuku thought about the predicament he was in, being fed and brought to the bathroom, no free will. Kinda like he was a baby again, but they don't really care about him.

Well, hopefully the food is good.

I want to clarify some things that could be misinterpreted. Zed is not interested in Izuku romantically, he is an adult and I am not interested in making a pedophilic oc. He is simply a sadist, he enjoys watching others suffer. He puts this persona on at first, which fools some. He has acted this way with every single prisoner. Every subject he has had, he has stalked. Not due to romantic feelings, but because of the power they could obtain.

Again, Zed is not interested in Izuku romantically. You can make jokes about it but that is not what actually is going to happen in this fic.

Thank you for reading!!!!!!! (it is 4 AM I AM FUCKED)

1184 words!

Suck. It. Up.  A kidnapped deku fanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt