Chapter 4: The Storm's Return

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Authors note: this again got messed up in my original. Sorry.

Aang's Point of View

Lightning struck not too far away, jolting up I saw an unfazed Katara still driving Appa. Just sitting there staring into the distance as the grey clouds consumed us. Rain was lashing down on us, every so often a drop would hit the scar on my back causing a surge of pain up spine.

"Ow. Katara, we need to land!" I yelled whilst bending a water umbrella.

No response.

Out in the vast ocean, the turbulent waves seemed to growing larger. The wind picked up and began tossing the ten-tonne bison around like he was nothing more than a leaf.

Appa started to descend.

"Katara!" Now louder as I rushed towards her. "Did you hear me? We need to get out of the storm!"

No response.

She just sat there. Staring. Wait, was she leading Appa down?

"Katara! What are you doing?!" I rested my hand on her shoulder. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" I pleaded and turned to face her. Her blue eyes were cold and fixed on a point in the distance. She didn't even acknowledge me?

"Katara, are you okay?" You could hear the desperation in my voice. I put a hand on each of her shoulders and shook her gently.

No response.

She was just sitting there. Not moving. Not talking. No sign she was even conscious. More desperately I shook her harder, a tear formed in my eye, "Katara, sweetie, can you hear me? Are you okay?"

No response.

Appa was now at sea level. It hissed and spat as the waves cashed. The waves rose, toying with us as if it were a peacock-cat playing with a mouse. To them it was all a game, a bit of fun, whist the pray is at its every whim - just trying to survive.

"Katara!" I pleaded as her eyes closed.
"You left us Aang." She began to whisper. "For 100 years the world suffered, all because of you."
"What... Katara no."
Her blue eyes snapped open. She raised her hand a pointed it in my face. She stood up, towering over me. Her blank expression had changed. She was furious.

"My mother died because of you!" She yelled and gestured to her necklace, holding it tight.
"What? No where's this coming from?" The tears fell faster.

A wave towered over us.

Katara would never think that, would she? Deep down I knew she still hurt over the loss of her mother. But she couldn't blame me, she never blamed me before, did she?

"My mother died because you didn't want to be the Avatar! Because you were too scared. Because you are a coward!"

The wave rose higher. The roar of the waves became almost defining.

"I always believed that Avatar would save the world." She stopped and let out a small laugh "But you let it burn!" She looked serious and disgusted.
"What..." I whispered.
"How could I ever love someone so, so" she paused. A look of empathy and sadness spread across her face. She began to cry.

She turned away.

I got up and reached for her hands. They were cold and shaking. "Hey, hey. What's going on?" I asked in a soft voice.

No response.

Her face hardened. "Someone so cruel and selfish!"

Third Person
The wave finally peaked, crashing down on the bison, separating the pair. The shear blunt force of the water knocking her unconscious. She took the brunt of the attack. All he could do was watch as the final air bubbles bob to the surface. A muffled cry escaped him.

As he fought against the current, that tiny part of his brain telling him it was too late, and the ocean spirits themselves a boy appeared of about 12 years of age, with glowing arrow tattoos and eyes.

He tried swim to her, but the boy appeared between them. Pushing them further away from each other, with the tiniest flick of the wrist.

"What is going on?" He cried encasing himself in an air bubble, still trying to reach her.

No response.

With no emotion he boy sat in a meditating position and bumped his fists together. A ball encased the trio and bison.

Inside the waters calmed, giving him the chance to get to her. He quickly brought her into his air bubble and began trying to save her.

But it was too little to late when it began to freeze...

Aang's Point of View
I jolted upright. Heart rate beating erratically. Gasping trying to fill my lungs with all the air I could get. Tears streaming down my eyes.

"Sweetie what's wrong!?" Katara yelled running from Appa head. She grabbed my hands. "Hey, hey. What's going on?" She whispered softly, "your hands a shaking. Oh, and freezing. Are you okay?"

She began rubbing her hands against mine to warm them up. I tucked my knees to my head, forming a little ball of shaken Avatar. Katara gently moved to my side and encased me in a warm hug. I rested my head against her. After a few minutes of this she broke away. "What happened?" She asked gently.
"Just another nightmare..." I replied quietly, " do you remember the time I told you about the storm?" I pulled my legs closer to my chest, she gave me a reassuring squeeze. She understood almost instantly. "Hey. It will be okay. Your safe, see there's not a cloud in the sky or even a breeze." She says as she nuzzles in closer.

We sat like that for the rest of the journey to Ba Sing Say.

Authors Note
As you have probably noticed I am in no way shape or form sticking to my original time spans. I literally wrote this in a day after publishing the last chapter last night. I have my mocks a week on Monday for two weeks so the updates will not be as frequent as this, but I will try to do one update a week, potentially two if I can, so you will have to bear with me.

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