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All Time Low- I Feel Like Dancin'

"Shorty says she wants to run away said I look like a boy she used to date."

(i know it was the song for last chapter)

I'm back at home finally. The therapist let me go early. She said I was doing better.

Now I'm here at home waiting for my aunt at the airport. She was visiting for a week because she wanted to get to know Maryland.

I was sitting in a chair waiting for her flight to come.

Suddenly my phone buzzed.

Blocked number

12/15/14 3:47 p.m

Tell your aunt what you did with Paul the other night. That intimate moment. Or else your mother loses her job.


Oh my god.

I can't tell Aunt Vivian about the night me and Paul had sex. It will be too embarrassing.

"Flight 306 from Miami has now landed." The lady over the P.A said.

I grabbed my things and took a deep breathe.

Running over to the entrance I spotted my Aunt Vivian roaming around with two luggage bags trailing behind her.

"Aunt Vivi!" I yelled and ran up to her.

She looked towards me and smiled.

She embraced me and squeezed tight. She always knew how to give the best hugs. I love her.

"I missed you Dani." She said.

"I missed you too Vivi."

I pull away and turn back around.

"Vivi can I tell you something?" I asked nervously.

"Of course what is it."

"Well my boyfriend and I had sex the other night and I really like him."

"Oohh my little niece had sex." She giggled.
I blushed and kept walking.

My attention focused on a guy with dark brown hair and had a Pierce The Veil band tee on. He had knee ripped jeans and black on black converse.

His head was tilted but then I realized who it was.


I smiled and motioned for my aunt to walk where he was.

Then a girl with dark brown hair almost black came running up to him. Her blue eyes were glued onto Paul's.

She ran up to him and jumped. Paul grabbed her and spun her around.

"I missed you Pauly." The girl said.

"I missed you too. I love you so much Larisa." Paul replied.

"I love you too Paul."

Then there I stood looking like a loser with tears rolling down my cheeks.

I walked up to him. I grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him to face me.

"So you love her don't you?" I asked.

My sobs grew louder.

"Dani no I can explain thi-"

"Don't bother talking to me."

Hey guise ily.


ily all


the kiss you stole :: paul j zimmerWhere stories live. Discover now