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Cuba’s the opposite of Virginia. Hannibal said he chose it because of their extradition laws, but Will thinks it’s partly because he hopes the jarringly different setting will help him let go of the past and feel more comfortable with him, because they won't be surrounded by so many reminders. It’s not needed though. After their fight with the dragon, Will’s come to accept Hannibal, as well as himself, and forgive him for the past.

He still has nightmares, and there are times he’s pulled into flashbacks. But Hannibal’s nothing if not patient. When the nightmares come, he wipes the tears away from Will’s eyes and changes the sweat soaked sheets while Will puts on some clean clothes. When they lay back down, they’ll hold each other in the dark, and Hannibal will recite poetry in French as he strokes a hand through Will’s hair.

The flashbacks are harder to handle, Hannibal feels helpless at times when physical touch will send Will spiraling. During these times, sometimes Hannibal has to leave the room until Will can recover himself, but he always waits patiently until Will feels well enough to come find him. He’ll usually end up curled on Hannibal’s lap, his face pressed against his neck. Hannibal will run a hand softly up and down his back, kissing the top of his head, one hand combing through his hair and reminding him how much he loves him.

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