Part 148: M.I.A.

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You remained in Asgard for several weeks, basically vacationing and attending several parties, while also having to go through the mountain of wedding gifts you received. You really didn't know what to do with some of them, well most of them actually, as jewels and gold weren't really your thing and you couldn't exactly keep horses at the Avenger's Compound. You did really like grooming the horses though, you loved brushing their manes and feeding them treats plus Loki showing you how to ride again was fun too. You and Loki even snuck out of the palace on several occasions just to go riding, you took the horses out far, hours from the city and made love under the stars, it was truly wonderful. Part of you didn't even want to go back to Earth, you were having so much fun on Asgard with Loki and the rest of your new family, all but Odin but you didn't have to deal with him too often. 

You were just laying down on a lounge seat across from Loki as you were playing chess, you had just put your husband in check when Thor and Frigga came walking in. "Hello mother, brother," you greeted them cheerfully but your expression soon soured as you could see they both looked worried and you didn't know why. You got really worried as well, nearly falling off the lounge while trying to get up and find out what was wrong and what you could do to help.  

"He's what?!?" you shout before covering your mouth apologizing for yelling, as you tried to process what Frigga and Thor were telling you, that Odin was missing. When you thought about it you supposed he was acting different ever since your wedding but again, you were never really close to him as you were with the other Asgardians. You didn't bond with him over the lasts several months as you did with Frigga, you even worked things out with Sif and the Warriors Three, spending an afternoon together every once in a while to spar and the like. You would even spend some time with Heimdall whenever you needed to hide from everyone and have some quiet time, but he didn't mind as you always brought tea and cakes with you. 

"Well, what do we do?" you asked, making sure to whisper this time, as you didn't want any of the maids to overhear your conversation, considering how quickly news would spread around here. Frigga said it would be best to keep it quiet for now, as it was obviously for the best to not cause mass panic with the King being M.I.A., and they'd begin their search discreetly. You asked what you could do to help but Frigga said she'd need you here, not giving you too many details but knowing her, you just went with it, trusting her decision. But before anyone came up with a good plan a guard showed up, informing their Majesties that Heimdall wished to see the princes right away as it was of utmost importance. 

You wanted to go along with Loki and Thor to see Heimdall, but Frigga, insisted you wait with her, even though you really wanted to know what was going on you chose to stay behind. You had a bad feeling and hugged both princes before they left, with Loki stealing a kiss or two as Thor dragged him out with you calling out after him, "I love you, be safe". You crossed your arms and waited for a few seconds before you raised your hand and pointed over at the door, and in that same moment Loki could be heard calling back to you, "I love you too, darling... and I will". You then laughed for a minute, feeling so loved, and Frigga could tell, nearly laughing for a moment herself, you truly were so cute together. 

Within about 5 minutes or so, Thor and Loki arrived on the Rainbow bridge to see Heimdall who luckily had news of Odin, and they wondered why he didn't inform them sooner. Apparently, he went to Midgard a few days ago and kept it a secret from everyone but reached out to Heimdall to get his sons to come and see him as it was important. "So where is he?" Thor asked while looking between Loki and Heimdall who replied, "the king is in the Midgardian country of Norway", before opening the Bifrost for them. Wasting little time the Asgardian princes head back down to Earth to speak with Odin and bring him back home before the word got out and mass panic set in. 

Loki and Thor arrived in Norway, and they see Odin overlooking the cliffside, gazing out at the scenery, above a calm sea and below a cloudy sky. They walk over feeling something was off as Odin appeared a little older, somehow, even seeming physically weaker, Thor and Loki looked at each other, before addressing their father. "Look at this place, it's beautiful," Odin says as he continued to stare out over the ocean, and Thor and Loki looked at each other again, realizing something really was wrong. "My sons, I've been waiting for you", Odin said with Thor replying "I know, we've come to take you home" while trying to smile and not appear as sad as he began to feel. 

Odin then walks back over to sit down on a large boulder, asking his sons to sit with him, as he had a lot to say but didn't have a lot of time to say it. "I am sorry my sons, I have failed you, it is upon us, Ragnarok", Odin said and both Loki and Thor looked confused as they had stopped Surtur recently, they took his helmet and locked the thing up in the vault on Asgard. "No, we've stopped Ragnarok, Loki and I put an end to Surtur", Thor said but Odin disagreed, "No, it has already begun, she's coming... my life was all that held her back, but my time has come". Loki and Thor knew what he meant by his words, and grew increasingly nervous, as Odin whispered, "I cannot keep her away any longer", and they asked who he was talking about.  

"Goddess of Death, Hela... my firstborn... your sister", Odin said looking down at the ground before looking up at the sky as he continued, "her violent appetites grew beyond my control... I couldn't stop her so I imprisoned her, locked her away". Odin explained that she drew her strength from Asgard and once she got there, her power would be limitless, while Thor started going on about how they could stop her, together. But their father told him no, he was on a different path now, they would have to face Hela and Ragnarok alone, before Odin told them he loved them. Odin then took a second to say that he was sorry, he wished he had time to change how he treated you, how he treated Loki, powers or no, you were a good match for him. Loki looked completely shocked by his father's words, as was Thor, and they all gazed out over the sea as Odin told them to remember this place, it was home before turning into stardust and floating away, over the cliff and into the sky.  

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