Part 144: Asgard Wedding 2/5

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You stepped out and the crowd looked at you with wonder, as you gently and gracefully floated down the aisle with your hair and dress on fire, glowing with brilliant and warm light. A circlet of multiple strings of pearls sat upon your head like a crown, with several more strands of pearls hanging on either side of your face. Also, upon either side of the circlet, there were also various white flowers arranged with little gold and silver stars, which you absolutely loved, and with the light, you were emitting they sparkled all the more. The dress itself was completely white, which surprised you when you first saw it, as you thought you'd be wearing green as it was Loki's colour or perhaps a red dress as it was a popular colour for wedding gowns in Nordic culture. The designer clearly took some inspiration from Midgard as you felt the style didn't quite fit Asgard's, but never the less, still so beautiful. The combined styles made it feel very Elvish as if you were a bride in Rivendell, with the long flowing train, the cathedral-length hanging sleeves and the overall medieval ball gown theme it had going was perfect. The jewellery you wore was breathtaking too, as each piece shone so bright, from the forearm-length bracelets to the upper arm cuffs and the multiple earrings, you were truly enchanting. 

No one was able to take their eyes off you as you floated past all of them, but your eyes were fixed on the groom, not looking away for a second. Despite already going through this once before Loki was still nervous, you looked beautiful, truly an angel with your elegance, grace, and light, it was no wonder everyone was staring. You soon arrived with Loki taking your hands pulling you back onto the ground again and you smiled at him mouthing the words "I love you" as you weren't allowed to speak yet. You took his arm, locking hands together as you stepped forward with your light slowly fading out as you knelt down before Odin, ready to begin.  

The ceremony was long and honestly, it was pretty boring, with long-winded speech after long-winded speech but you didn't topple over, fall asleep, or accidentally cough, so it went well. You were soon escorted to a wedding chariot decorated with flowers and ribbons as you would be paraded around the city, waving, smiling and greeting the citizens of Asgard. This part was actually kind of fun as you got to tour the different parts of the city with bold the young and old throwing flowers and petals to celebrate your union with a prince of Asgard. You held Loki's hand the entire time with him whispering sweet nothings into your ear, with you doing the same, feeling his love, and admiration of the people. 

The parade was wonderful and soon you arrived at the banquet hall, for the feasting, drinking, and dancing, although you were a little worried considering how rockish Thor could be. He behaved though, to your surprise and to the surprise of Loki, he was certain his brother would be loud and brash right from the start, but he wasn't. Of course, he hadn't had any alcohol yet so it was only a matter of time until the party prince showed himself but you didn't mind, it was the possibility of others being "party princes" too that worried you. 

Loki stepped off the chariot first, adjusting his Asgardian suit before turning back and offering you his hand, helping you down as your dress was a little cumbersome, to say the least. Although you thought it would be nice to float in again you decided against it, summoning little lights to hold your train and veil instead, it was truly enchanting, Loki even commenting on it later. The guards stood and saluted you as you entered into the beautiful banquet hall, which was decorated with more flowers and glittering gold, they really didn't skimp on anything, and yet it didn't seem too gaudy or flashy. It was just a bit overwhelming, as no matter where you looked there was some kind of beautiful decoration or the like, and it was too much, for a simplistic girl like you. I guess it made sense for a "royal" wedding to go all out, but even so, you thought they were still making too much of a fuss over you, as you soon noticed the large statue of you and Loki. 

"Oh bloody hell," you whispered under your breath when you caught sight of the statue, luckily all the guests were so loud no one heard you, except for Loki, and perhaps Heimdall, assuming he was watching. Loki leaned over and whispered, "I know it's a little much, but you deserve nothing less my love", which made you blush and you squeezed his arm a little tighter as a result. You did your best to curtsy as Loki bowed, to Odin king before taking your places by his side at the main table, as the Allfather addressed the royalty, nobility, and ambassadors. You then sat down with Loki, who was holding your hand again, but he seemed off, and you couldn't tell why nor could you ask as the room was silent while Odin spoke. 

You gently squeezed Loki's hand back to reassure him, even placing your other hand on top of his, patting it gently as Odin continued his speech to all the guests. You remained calm pretty much ignoring what the Allfather was saying, at least you did until he mention a certain tradition you had no idea would happen, and it made you start to internally panic. You understood why Loki was so nervous as apparently in Asgard there's a tradition known as "fighting for the bride" in which any man could fight the groom to claim the bride. It was an old custom in which the husband to be must prove he is strong enough to protect his wife and coming household, a.k.a. his future children. You thought it was barbaric, and sexist to say the least but as much as you wanted to stand up and protest, Loki kept you sitting, doing his best to keep you calm. 

Loki was certain no one would be dumb enough to actually try and fight him for you, although there was doubt in the back of his mind; you were incredible, beautiful, and powerful, he was worried someone would try to take you from him. With all the rumours about your powers and the like circling around it wouldn't be unheard of for someone else to try and make a play for you, and unfortunately, the God of Mischief concerns were justified as someone soon stood up, ready to take on the groom. 

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