Chapter One: Lost.

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A young lady with a greyish hair,, slowly blink her eyes gaining consciousness. Her long eye lashes fluttering softly as she try to adjust her eyes to the light, that the overflowing sun slap on her face.

With a daze look on her face, she slowly move herself to sit up. Still half asleep, she tried to take in her surroundings.

The piece of wood that she's sitting on rock back and forth and the smell of sea water reach her nose. Blinking her eyes a few times again she look a head of her. Sea.

With one last blink of her eyes, her daze look morph to a panic one. Turning her head side to side to try and look for a certain air head, to her horror she never saw him.

After she finally understand her situation she cover her eyes and sigh. She's stuck in the middle of nowhere in the sea in a piece of wood and with no food.

But those aren't the reason she's losing her cool. "I-i-i...... I just lost.... Lu-Lu-..." talking to herself a habit she do when panicking. She finally shout her situation.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Meanwhile somewhere on the sea.

"Pheww..." a young boy let out as he and his new found friend Coby finish talking about 'the monster bounty hunter'.

Again the boy sigh in content and close his eyes with a smile on his face. "The weather is great today, aren't it Ke--"

Coby blink his eyes two times confuse as to why his friend stopped on the middle of his sentence. "... Luffy-san?"

The boy with a straw hat and a scar under his left eye look a head of him, staring into the clear blue water. His eyes wide and a panic look clear on his face as he start to tremble.

"I forgot Keira!!" he shouted startling his companion.

"... Keira?" Coby ask as the rubber boy mutter gibberish under his breath, hands gripping his hair.

"Ace is gonna kill me. Ace is gonna kill me..." reapiting it over and over again. The poor pink haired boy panic with Luffy.

"Luffy-san, please stay calm!"

"Ace is gonna kill me..."



Coby who taught the other boy is listening to him pant. "Please stay calm... An--... Luffy-san?"


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A sigh escape Keira's lips when she finally reach an island. Luckily there was a nearby island. Not bothering to wait unlit the piece of wood stop on the shore, she jump, her greyish hair softly fluttering with the wind and she land on the hard floor of the island.

'hungry...' Keira thought and walk around the town. Realizing she don't know where she's going she blink and halt on her step. Looking around to see if there's someone she can ask things with.

"Ah.." She let out when she saw a old woman dropping her stuff. Softly walking there she let a small soft smile take over her face.

"may i help you, madame?" She let out bending to pick the falling fruits.

The older slowly look up to Keira with a gentle smile eyes closed. "Oh my, I'll appreciate it so much."

Helping the elder stand straight again before picking the remaining fruits on the hard ground. After she finish picking all of it, she stand straight once again and hand the bag to the elder with a smile.

"Here you go." the elder smile and took the bag on the girl's hand still smiling.

"What a polite young lady you are. Are you a traveler?" The elder ask seing the purple bag that Keira carry with her left shoulder.

"Hahaha. You can say that." Keira chuckle and scratch her nape. 'where the hell are you Luffy?' "Ah... May I ask a question, madame?"

"Go a head."

"May I ask if there's a nearby restaurant?"


After a few walking Keira finally reach the restaurant and head inside. "Welcome..." a soft voice let out.

"ahmm... May i dine in?"

"o-of course"

Conversing with the lady at the counter while eating, Keira saw something move at the corner of her eyes.


A little girl look at Keira and both of them hold a eye contact, before the lady at the counter scold the child for going out again without permission.

"Good grief, your hopeless." The lady finished.


'Hmmmm?' Keira thought as she saw the little girl move her arm behind her, hiding something.

When Keira was about to say something the door burst open and a hungry looking straw hat and a pink haired boy get inside. Sitting on the corner.

"Eh--! Lu--"


Again getting cut off, Keira only look at the side lines as the three of them talk to each other. 'I'll just watch at the--'

Her thoughts was cut off when a blond boy went inside with marines escorting him. "Haizz.... Let me have some free meal." He demanded, sitting at the chair and put his feet up the table. "What?..." He questioned as the lady at the counter on look at him. "Hurry!!" He shouted and the lady flinch and run off to cook her something.

'He just cut my thoughts off.' Keira sweat drop as this is the third time she was cut off. Even in her thoughts. Then she glare at the man at her shoulder. 'Ungrateful brat, how annoying.' she thought as she eye the man's feet at the table. She certainly hate people with bad manners.

He was talking crap like how he was going to execute the 'monster bounty hunter Roronoa Zoro' tomorrow. Of course Keira doesn't really care. It's none of her business after all. That was until her trouble came up.

"Eh..." Keira let out shock at what her troublesome friend did. He just punched the blond boy. Which she think is a high ranking marines son.

With a sweat drop Keira only turn back at her food. 'Let's not interfere for now.'


When Luffy finally went out Keira let a small smirk crawl on her face. "... He really is troublesome."


"Ah! It's nothing... Haha"

UNPREDICTABLE [ONE PIECE] ×Ongoing×Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz