Get Caught

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Warning! Sexually explicit material!

Just about dead from embarrassment, you made your way to the barracks. Your room wasn't the most comfortable, but at least it was isolated, and far away from Kylo Ren. You fumbled with the latch, hands shaking from the humiliation. He had heard you. The Commander of the First Order had heard the inappropriate thoughts in your head.

You weren't sure why it had happened. You didn't even know if he was human. You didn't know what his voice really sounded like, or what he looked like under the helmet. All you knew was how terrifying he was. Still, from that terror there was an attraction. You pictured him, and tried to figure out where it stemmed from.

After some time deliberating you decided it had to come from the power he had. Not that you had any particular desire to be higher up on the food chain here. It was just...him. He was so big, he towered over you and exuded strength. You knew that if he desired, he could flatten anyone in his wake. You thought of how he had used the force to undo your top button, and pictured it repeating until your top was no longer in place. You imagined him pinning you to the wall, both of your wrists held tight in one of his strong hands, as the other traced down your bare skin.

You shook the images from your head. A shower, that's what you needed. You grabbed your towel, and your bag of toiletries and made you way to the wash room. You hated having to share one with all the people in your barracks, but maybe since it was mid-day and everyone was either at their shifts or in the dining hall you would have the whole area to yourself.

You were in luck, the room was empty when you got there. You picked the shower furthest from the door, stripped down, and turned the water as hot as it would go. You let the hot jets of water loosen your rigid muscles, slowly thawing out. Your skin was red hot, and the shade brought to mind something else red.

You thought of him again. The feeling started in your neck, when you pictured his wide grasp encasing it, and worked it's way down into the pit of your stomach. Butterflies wasn't a violent enough description for what you felt inside you. So much for the calming effects of the shower.

The door to the shower room burst open, and none other than your worst nightmare, and greatest fantasy walked through. "I can hear your little fantasies from across the base." Your heart iced over, your entire body freezing with it. "I'm sorry Commander. I'll try to uh....not think?"

Your cheeks were bright red, and not because of the shower. He had heard you. Again. You contemplated how long it would take to die if you stabbed yourself with his light saber. "On the contrary, I have a better way in mind to quiet your incessant day dreams." He rushed through the glass door and closed it behind him.

You stood under the water, trying to cover yourself, but not managing well. "Sir I'm not decent!" You choked out. "You're right. You're utterly indecent, and something has to be done about that." You're not sure how, but ice and heat flooded your system at the same time. Your violent butterflies attacked again. That same second, a gloved hand pressed to your throat, stopping the blood flow. You felt yourself being lifted from the ground, until you were face to face with his visor. You wished he would take it off, you wanted to see what he looked like. To hear his voice without the manipulation of the synthesizer.

"You have been on my mind non-stop since your little stunt last night. Your musing isn't helping." He pressed himself against you, and you felt a hard bulge against your abdomen. "I'm sorry, sir." He laughed darkly. "You will be." The hand that wasn't around your throat started exploring your body. Down your chest, past your soft curves, and settled on the mound between your legs. You let out a small whimper.

"This is what you wanted, isn't it?" You didn't respond, unable to even nod your head. Two fingers started circling your clit. "Answer your Commander when he asks you something." He snarled. Although he had an angry demeanor, he seemed to be enjoying himself. "Yes!" You gasped out. "Yes, what?" He asked. "Yes Commander."

He took his hand away from your clit for a moment, unlatched his helmet, and pulled it off. His hair fell to his shoulders in black ripples, his eyes were molten amber, with a sharp jaw line, hooked nose, and a couple moles dotting his face. Fuck. He was gorgeous. He learned down and breathed in your ear. "Good girl." His voice was honey, deep, warm, and soothing.

You bit your lip to repress a squeal. You liked that a little too much. A smirk pulled at the corner of his lip. He'd heard that too. You had to get better at controlling your thoughts, but it was just so difficult to think with him holding you like this.

He freed your throat for the time being, and wandered your body with his gloved hands. Though the water was still burning hot, you shivered as he explored you. One hand cupped your breast, and the other made its way back down between your legs. One finger found its way inside you and you whined, wanting more. "Naughty slut. You don't even know me. But all you can think of is me being inside you?" He pushed another finger into your dripping core. A moan escaped your lips, and you rushed to answer him. "Yes Commander Ren."

A cocky smile lit his lips and you wanted desperately to prove him wrong. But you couldn't. You were aching for him, wanting to be filled with him. Until there was no other sensation but him inside you. He pulled his fingers out and pushed back in quickly, finding a rhythm that you seemed to enjoy, biting your neck and sucking on your skin as if life depended on it. You couldn't keep yourself from reacting, your body rocked towards him, trying to push him deeper inside your dripping core. You moaned and bit onto his padded shoulder, trying to prevent yourself from screaming.

Kylo's head snapped up and he pulled away from you. "There's people coming, and you're going to get us caught the way you're moaning. Come to my quarters tonight after lights out." He abruptly left the shower room, and you were alone, dripping with cum and shame. What had you been doing?

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