Chapter 10

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Violet's PoV

"Please tell me why you've called this meeting," Snow Leopard said. 

"I called it because Desert is evil!" Amethyst said. I smacked my head. This was not a good way to start this out. "Amethyst means that she thinks Desert is evil." I quickly put in. Amethyst shot me a glare.

"Yeah riiiiiight. And we're supposed to believe you?" Snow Leopard said sarcastically. I sigh. This was gonna be hard. "Yes, and we need your help to stop her!" Amethyst said. 

"Hah. No." Snow Leopard said, turning to leave. "No! Wait you have to believe us!" Amethyst exclaimed, blocking the exit. 

"Well, I believe you." Saphira said. I smiled at her gratefully. "Desert was kinda off. Disappeared a lot. But that doesn't mean she's evil." Falcon said.

"What's this all about?" A voice said from the doorway. We all turned around. It was Desert.

"I wasn't invited for a Winglet meeting? How rude." she said. "Ah, these two nut brains," Snow Leopard said pointing at me and Amethyst, "think you're evil."

"Is that so? I assure you I am certainly not evil. Why don't we talk this over in the prey center?" Desert suggested. "A great idea!" Mudfly said happily and followed Desert. Snow Leopard did too. So we were only left with Saphira and Falcon.

"I still think this is a bit far fetched, but I'm in." Falcon said. "Yes!" Amethyst exclaimed. "Thank you." I said.

"So, what are we going to do?" Saphira asked. "Uhhh..." Amethyst said. "I didn't think we would get this far." 

"YOU MEAN WE DON'T HAVE A PLAN???" Falcon screeched. "Hey, hey calm down." I said. "We'll think of one eventually." Amethyst said. "And now you guys can help us!"

1 hour later

"Ugh! It's been an hour and we still don't have a plan!" I exclaim. "Don't worry! We'll think of one soon! I can feel it!" Amethyst said. Only Amethyst could think this was fun. Even Saphira and Falcon were starting to look bored. 

"Maybe we should take a break?" Saphira suggested. I perked up at that. "Yeah!" I say jumping up. "Where should we go?" Falcon asked. "Uh, duh! The prey center!" I say. 

(At the prey center)

"Mmm." I say biting into a juicy mango. "I still don't know how you RainWings eat those fruits!" Falcon said. "Why don't you try one?" I say. I passed him a mango. "Uh no thanks. I'll stick to goat." Falcon said. "Well, I'd like to try one." Saphira said. 

"Oh good!" I exclaim. I gave her a mango. Saphira took it and bit into it. "Yum!" She said. Me and Falcon burst out laughing. "What?" Saphira asked looking around. "You have mango smeared all over your snout!" I say. "Well, it was worth it! This is delicious!" Saphira said. 

"Psssssst." someone said. I looked at Saphira and Falcon. "Was that you?" I asked. "No." they answered in unison. I turned around to see Amethyst crouching a tail length away. "Come here!" she whispered. 

"What?" I asked. "I thought of the perfect plan!" Amethyst said. "Follow me!" 

Me, Falcon and Saphira followed Amethyst back to the cave where we had been planning. "So, what's the plan?" I asked. Amethyst stuck her head out the doorway and looked both sides before answering. 

"While you all were eating, I snuck into your dorm room and took this." She showed us a scroll. "It's her schedule!" I exclaim, realizing what it was. "Wait but then how's she gonna get to her classes?" Saphira asked. "With her spare, of course!" Amethyst said. 

"With this we can follow her in her classes. So Saphira, Falcon, you in?" Amethyst asked. "I'm in!" Saphira said. "Me too!" Falcon said. "Great! Now we'll assign everyone a time to watch Desert." Amethyst said.

After we were done, I could barely see the original schedule. It was covered up by a whole lot of colorful squiggles.

"Alright, do you understand?" Amethyst asked. "No." I answer truthfully. Amethyst sighs. "Violet your times are during history and music, Saphira yours are during..." Amethyst went on, but I wasn't listening.

Something had caught my eye. A flash of ice blue streaked across the entrance and disappeared. Ice blue? An IceWing, or a pale SeaWing, or a RainWing? I shook the thought out of my head. I must have imagined it.

"I gotta go." I say suddenly. "Oh! Okay." Amethyst said. I exit the cave and head towards my dorm. My scales immediately shift into camouflage. It was just an instinct, I guessed.

"What did you say?" I heard Desert say. "I-I said, they were right about you." A voice that sounded like Mudfly said. I peered around the corner. I saw Desert looming over Mudfly. Snow Leopard was crouching in the background, ominously still.

"Well, if that's so... Let's make it easier." Desert said. As swift as a tiger she dropped some weird creature onto Mudfly. It moved up, avoiding Mudfly's swipes at it. It reach his snout and wriggled in. Mudfly gasped, unable to breath for a moment, but then calmed and stared up at Desert.

"What is it you want, My Queen?"


Hi! I hoped you liked this chapter! It really gets into the main point! I know this sounds a lot like HiveWing mind control, but later own you'll find out what exactly it is. Thanks for reading!


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