He is not our enemy

Start from the beginning

"What happened Nev?" Y/N asked as Hermione released her grip and he rushed over, stopping Neville from falling over before quickly uttering the counter jinx and releasing Neville's legs.

"Malfoy. I was leaving the library when his goons grabbed me. He said you wouldn't care Y/N as you only care about half bloods and mud-uh- muggle-borns".

Y/N roared in fury:

"I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna fucking kill him!"

Y/N exploded and punched the closest wall. Hard. The group heard a loud crack, signifying he had just broken his hand. He pulled it back, leaving a deep indentation in the stone wall as Hermione exclaimed "Y/N!" worriedly and rushed over to him.

She hurriedly yet gently grabbed Y/N's hand and cast:


Brachium Emendo

"Is that better?" Hermione asked as Y/N shook his now mended hand.

"Yeah thanks babe-uh-'Mione"

Hermione's mouth dropped open at Y/N's faux pas. She looked at him and noticed he had a genuine look of panic. She hadn't seen him this close to fear before. She smiled as she spoke sweetly:

"Don't mention it but don't do it again".

Y/N smiled and sighed in relief:

"Yes ma'am"

He turned and glared, placing his hand on Neville's shoulder.

"Give me one second Nev"

Y/N's eyes rolled back in his head.


Draco sat smiling in the common room, looking proudly at Pansy Parkinson next to him:

"You should have seen the fat lump, bouncing away. I-"

Draco stopped mid sentence as his eyes glazed over.

"Draco? Draco!" Pansy asked worried as he paled and suddenly-


Pansy screamed as Draco covered her in vomit. She ran out of the common room as the rest of the room's inhabitants pointed and laughed at the vomiting first year.


Y/N's eyes returned to normal as he glared at Neville:

"You've gotta stand up for yourself man!"

Neville looked down as he fought back tears, Hermione adding gently:

"Tell Professor McGonagall"

Neville shook his head and replied:

"I can't. I don't want anymore trouble. I know I'm not a Gryffindor. Malfoy tells me all the time"

His eyes start to water. Y/N sighed:

"Look Nev. You will do great things and show you really belong in Gryffindor. I know it. I have complete faith in you. You're ten times the man that greasy haired prick is. Ok mate?"

Y/N's words sound genuine and sincere, not just a poor attempt at making someone feel better. Neville looked up in pride with tears falling out his eyes and nodded before going up to bed.

Y/N looked up with his hands on his hips and sighed:

"What am I gonna do with him?"

Y/N rubbed his head as he finished speaking.

"It's not up to you to do anything Y/N"

Hermione tried her hardest to reassure Y/N. This was one of his few flaws. The one that worried her the most. Y/N couldn't see a good person in trouble and turn a blind eye. He put too much weight on his own shoulders. He was under enough pressure but tried to solve the world's problems.

Hermione sighed.

"Let's just sit down again. You've got ten minutes of cuddles mister, then it's bed time. I'm worried about you. You're pushing yourself too hard. Tomorrow we are gonna have a nice relaxing day, ok."

Y/N smiled, blushing slightly at Hermione's care. He looked down and said quietly:

"Thanks 'Mione. It really means a lot."

The group went back to the couch, Hermione leaning into Y/N's chest smiling as she spoke with Lavender and Harry. Y/N sat with his eyes closed, gently stroking Hermione's hair as Lavender grinned at the pair. After ten minutes Hermione said:

"Ok Y/N, it's time for bed"

She giggled as Y/N whined like a tired toddler:

"But I want to stay like this. I want to stay with you"

Hermione spoke through her giggles:

"You can spend all day with me tomorrow Y/N, but you need some sleep now."

Harry and Ron laughed at the pair's interaction but it was quickly shut down with one glare from Y/N. Hermione spoke again:

"C'mon off to bed you three. Now"

Her voice was firm enough for Ron and Harry to run up the stairs in fear much to Lavender's amusement. Hermione spoke again, just as firmly:


"Fine" Y/N sighed and muttered. Hermione giggled at him.

"What?" Y/N asked.

"You. You're like a grumpy toddler when you're tired" Hermione giggled again. Y/N frowned at her before a smile slowly broke across his face.

"Yeah yeah good night 'Mione. I'll see you in the morning."

Y/N spoke lovingly before kissing Hermione on the head again.

"Night Lav"

"Night big guy" she giggled.

Hermione watched Y/N ascend the stairs to his dorm before turning to Lavender:

"Ready for bed Lav?"

"Not yet. Did you hear what he accidentally called you? Babe!"

Hermione involuntarily squealed much to Lav's delight as she laughed:

"You two are so cute. Can't wait until you are together."

Hermione smiled and blushed:

"Me too Lav. Me too"

For You I Will #1- The Philosopher's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now