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I had to write a dystopian story for my English class and I thought, why not publishing it here as well?

It's not a Larry story, so if you only read that, you don't have to. But maybe you can take a look at it and give me some feedback. Thank you

The story is a oneshot inspired by Fearless (Louis Tomlinson), Change (Louis Tomlinson), Just Hold On (Louis Tomlinson), To Begin Again (Ingrid Michaelson & Zayn), Good Years (Zayn), Calamity (Zayn)

The two characters grew up together and during their teen years, their peaceful world changed into a dystopian one. Oppression, controlling government, no freedom. Now they stay in contact by writing letters to each other, even though the reader only gets to know one side of the story…


Tell me, tell me do you still remember feeling young? I know, it isn’t gone for long, but it feels like an eternity. I still
remember when we were just kids, trying to work out how to become more mature together and now we aren’t
even able to see each other. Hell, I don’t even know if this letter reaches you. Look inside and spark that memory of
us growing up. Happy.

We were strong enough to get everything wrong in front of all these people. But we didn’t care. We were fearless. Then everything changed. We were told everything is gonna be alright.

But you know as well as I, it’s all lies. Tell me the truth. Do you think we could have done better? Instead of being oppressed by our oh so caring government, note my sarcasm, maybe we could actually live our lives. Doing whatever the FUCK we want to instead of having to obey the president who doesn’t care about anything but power and money.


I already wrote you a letter last month. Seeing as you haven’t replied to me, I guess it never reached you. It was
probably held off by the government. You know, so that nobody can communicate with each other and complain about their methods.

I’m still gonna write you, hoping that you somehow get this one. Remember, we had the time of our lives and it was easy to see. I mean, we were just getting by as young teenagers, but we felt complete.

It hasn’t been long since you were forced to leave me and I don’t know why everything’s changed. I know that on the inside we are still the kings on the Friday nights when we used to go out, but outside everything has changed and sometimes I wonder why I still feel the same inside, even when I shouldn’t.

You know how everyone works now.
Having a strict schedule, consisting of nothing but work, eat and sleep, that you have to follow, otherwise you get
deported and nobody knows where to. I feel like I should change as well, to fit our current way of living but my mind tells me to stay the same because I realized that we don’t get another life.

We always overanalyze, what’s the point of that? I know everything is gonna be alright because we still got the rest of our lives. Just look at the kids. They are carefree and alright and not affected by the situation in any point.

That used to be us. Always losing our minds out on the streets. Take a trip down your memory lane. The houses here all look the way you last saw them but there are different names on the gates and you feel that the people have changed, which is a shame because nothing stays how it used to be.

But just know, if you need you can count on me for everything, I’ll be the someone you need because even when the government wants me to, I haven’t changed yet and I hope that I never will.


I got your letter. I don’t know how you did it because yesterday my so-called boss, the guy who is supposed to be in
charge of me, told me not to riot against someone’s command. As I didn’t do anything wrong at work, I guess
someone must have read the letters I sent to you. That’s the only way I complain about them. Yet.

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