Imagine for Phabulous_Killjoy

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Hey guys!!

This is an imagine for Phabulous_Killjoy , be sure to follow her guys!

Thanks for reading!!

Sarah's POV

I sigh in annoyance and agitation.

Ever since I arrived in the Glade, Gally has been my best friend, the one who was always there for me. Yet, lately he's been ignoring me.

As I start to really think about it, I start crying. I don't know why, but ever since he started I was realizing my feelings for him.

I like Gally a little more than friends.

Finally having enough of his crap, I decide to confront him. I get up and storm over to where he is, which just so happens to be in front of the Homestead.

"Gally!" I yell when I get closer. He turns around and looks at me, seeing my tears.

"What?" He mumbles, turning away and looking at the ground.

"Why have you been ignoring me? What did I do that upset you in ANY way?!" I ask mad.

He looks at me, and agitation and hurt flash across his face. he storms off, without a word in my direction.

As soon as he leaves, the anger is quickly replaced with sadness again. I plop down on the ground and cry myself to sleep.


When I finally wake up, it's dark and my long blond hair is all messed up and tangled, and my blue-green eyes are all red and puffy from crying.

I also happen to notice it's freezing. I'm literally shaking it's so cold.

"Sarah!" I hear Gally yell. I see him run up to me and he stood down and picks me up.

"Shuck! You're freezing Sarah! You're sick, Slinthead!" He says to me.

I nod my head, and he brings me inside and yo his room. He lays me down on the spare bed and covers me with blankets to keep me warm.

As I fall asleep I feel him hold my hand, and whisper, "I was never ignoring you, Sarah. I love you." He kisses me and I smoke while drifting off to sleep.

"I love you too Gally." I say.

The Maze Runner Imagines and PreferencesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя