You Get Stung Part 2

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As you and your boyfriend, Minho, run through the Maze you trip on something.

"Ouch!" You yell as you hit the ground.

Minho stops running and turns around, helping you up.

You look to see what you tripped over to find the metallic arm of a Griever, and next to it, crushed in between two walls, was the rest of it.

"Shuck it..." Minho says.

Out of curiosity, you walk closer to it to inspect it.

That was a bad idea.

The Griever whirred to life and shot one of its arms out, stinging you.

You scream out in pain as you fall over.

"Y/N!" Minho yells and picks you up.

He runs you back to the Glade and takes you to the Med-Jacks.

"You're gonna be okay. Slinthead." Minho says.

You lightly chuckle. "Love you to." You say.


After you and your boyfriend Gally had fought, you ran away with tears streaming down your face.

You make a split second decision. Right before the Doors close, you run into the Maze, hearing the Glader's shouts of protests as the Doors close behind you.

You hear mechanical whirring as a Griever approaches you.

'Already?' You think.

The Griever comes after you. you try dodging it, but after several attempts, the Griever stings you.

Because of the force of the sting, you fall back and some vines hide you from view. The Griever looks confused for a minute before leaving.

You sit in intense pain until morning.

When the doors open, you limp into the Glade and into Gally's arms as he was waiting for you all night.

"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." Gally says.

You smirk. "Of course I do. I love you Gally. "

He smiles. "I love you. lets get you to the Med-Jacks." He says.

He runs you to Clint and Jeff and stays by your side the whole time.

I'm sorry, I felt like that was bad. My hand is literally cramping right now cause I typed so much so sorry because of any errors.

Thanks for reading!!!


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