Chapter 23: Entertainment

Start from the beginning

"Why did you accompany Mochizuki-kun with Miyake-kun?"

All the way back to the island exam where Mochizuki made a deal with Ryūen and got Sudō and Miyake for protection, Matsushita was present when they came back together. She was curious why but didn't ask up until now.

"To protect him."

"And why is that?"

"He went to confront Class C. Class C was one of the ones who could've possibly attacked him."

"But that doesn't answer my question, Sudō-kun."

"..." Sudō stared at her before sighing.

"He went to specifically talk to Ryūen."

"And before you ask, no, I have no idea what they talked about." He continued.

"Why did Mochizuki-kun go if he was scared of being attacked? He seemed pretty confident when he came out of the forest." she muttered.

"On the same topic, why was he injured?"

"Beats me."

"You really don't know anything, huh?"

"It's not my problem that you are looking for something else." Sudō said.

Matsushita knew that after her encounter with Sudō, he would tell what happened to Mochizuki. She asked questions over and over until she didn't have any more. Most won't be answered, but she did connect the dots to certain events. She had a feeling something was going on but she couldn't put her finger on it. While dissatisfied with the outcome, there were way worse ones.

(A/N, that was horrible writing)

Mochizuki's POV

Finishing my thoughts, Sudō appeared. The meeting got delayed because of Matsushita doing whatever she's doing. There wasn't much time since I was going to meet with Class B soon. Other than that I went to greet him.

"How did it go?" I asked, drinking water.

"Not that well." Sudō sighed as looked down.

"Really? What happened?"

He then went on to explain what had happened. I know I said all those things about Sudō not losing but in reality I expect him to. I didn't give him any tips on how to win mental mind games, it doesn't help that he isn't even able to make such intelligent thoughts. At least I know that she's somewhat smart, but Sudō isn't really that brightest student out there so it doesn't say much. To be honest I'm surprised it didn't go as badly as I imagined. Maybe Matsushita pitied him and went easy on him.

"I said leave it to me, yet I didn't do shit."

"It's okay, it's not like I expected you to win." I said my true thoughts as he kept looking down even further in sadness.

"Do you know that she followed you?" I pointed out, lifting the mood.

"Really?!" He instantly got up and looked around.

"Nah, I was just joking."

I actually wasn't as I spotted her nearby but when I made eye contact with her and made it apparent that I was inviting her to join us, she instead left. Which was kind of rude not going to lie. I don't know if she was trying her best in hiding but if she did, all I can say it was subpar at best. I already noticed her way back in the first month of this school, so to say she's good at stalking people is a stretch. Well, maybe it's good compared to any student here. I mean Sudō didn't notice, but this is Sudō we're talking about.

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