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I hear them talking after the Styles' left. "She thinks Harry likes her," she scoffs "he obviously likes me."

"No he likes me." Taylor argued with her sister.

"Oh shut up already guys, he likes the both of you. That's why he hasn't made a move yet." My step mom tells them.

LIES!! I think to myself. Harry doesn't like any of us like that. Him and I are good acquaintances but not necessarily friends. It's the same for Gemma and I. But they absolutely cant stand my stepsisters, I know that for a fact. Actually nobody can stand them except for their snobby 'friends' that are just as bad as them.

"CINDERELLA!" Carly yells from downstairs. I roll my eyes and go down stairs "CINDEREL-" she yells again but when she sees me she says "Oh okay."

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Don't get snappy with me." She rolls her eyes. "But can you get me a coke."

I internally groaned because the cans of coca cola were literally three feet away from her. I grab the can and give it to her. "What? No ice?" She says.

"Sorry." I say and grab a cup and put some ice in it. "There."

"Kkay, bye." I left her watching Dance Moms. I usually watch it but I get yelled at sometimes... Not all the time but sometimes.

I hear the door bell ring. "Oh Cinderella!" Taylor snickers. They think it's funny but it's not.

"Can you stop calling me that? I'm not your maid." I huff and they look at eachother before bursting out into laughter.

I open the door, revealing Harry. "Hi," he smiles and I smile back.

"Whats up?" I ask, confused as of why he's here- not that I'm complaining.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall?" He asks, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, that'd be cool. Lemme ask real quick." I say. I'm overly excited for no reason, I need to take a chill pill. I chuckle to myself because I'm weird for thinking 'chill pill'. I walk over to my stepmom and ask, "Momma, can I go to the mall?"

"With who?" She asks, not looking at me.

"A friend." I tell her and now she looks at me.

"Ella, I asked you who you were going with, don't try and be slick, because guess what?" She pauses, "you're not."

"Okay, it's Harry." I look at her with hopeful eyes.

She snorts "how did you get him to invite YOU?! You probably had to throw yourself on to him."

"But I didn't, he came to-"

"Stop with your bullshit Ella, I told you not to talk to him." She looks at me with anger and humor in her eyes. "CARLY! TAY! Harry wants to take you two to the mall."

"But he invited me! Not them." I protested, but she wasn't having it.

"Go tell him, you won't be going." She points to the door.


"GO!" She shouts, making me flinch.

Tears are once again threatening to fall. I open the door to tell Harry I can't go, but my sisters will be coming. "Harry, I can't-"

"I heard everything." He says, his vibrant green irises staring straight into my blue ones.

"Look, just take my sisters to the mall and let it go." I tell him seriously.

"I can't." He states.

"Why not?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.

"Because I'm not Elsa." He snickers and I let out a short laugh and rolled my eyes.

CinderellaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora