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Y/n's POV

Waking up, my vision was normal. Good. Sighing, I pulled on a black knee length dress, with a corseted bodice and a flowy skirt, curled my hair, slapped some basic dark makeup on my face, threw on some black ankle boots, and finally made my way downstairs to Michael's office.

"Hey," I smiled, stepping into his office, "oh, I'm sorry, I didn't think you were doing interviews this early," I apologised, looking at Coco Vanderbilt sat in the room.

"It's OK," Michael smiled, "we were just finishing up anyway," and he motioned for her to leave the room, which she did. Obviously.

"Who else do you have to interview today?" I sat on his knee and he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Just Ms Venable," he smirked.

"Oh. I spoke to her last night," I sighed, leaning into him a little more and resting my head on his shoulder.


"I apologised for snapping and then I told her about the trip,"

"So that's why you admire so broken last night," he realised, squeezing me a little.

"Yeah," I nodded, "when is her interview?"

"Tonight at eight,"

"That's late," I frowned.

"Their responses are funnier when they're tired," he laughed.

"That's mean but hilarious," I giggled.

"What do you see right now?"

"Normal," I whispered, even though I was lying.


The truth was, what I was seeing, scared me... because I wasn't seeing anything.



"Go easy on her tonight," ( GO EEEEEEEEEEEEEEASY ON ME BABEH)

"Why?" He frowned.

"She's broken." I sighed, "just like me,"

"But she's not you y/n,"

"I know, but I understand what it's like... just please be nicer to her for me," I begged gently.

"I'll try," he whispered.

"Thank you," I smiled and stood up.

"Are you sure you're seeing normal?"

"Yes," I smiled and then poofed myself back into my room.

Once alone, I locked the door, tore off my dress, laid on the bed and cried. I pulled my bare legs up to my chest and slid off my heels, before crawling under the covers and sobbing loudly, with no care as to who heard me.

Slowly, very slowly, my vision returned and the world turned blue. Sadness. One of my favourite feelings. I sobbed louder, shaking slightly from exhaustion from crying so hard.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Who is it?" I croaked, poofing my dress back onto myself and opening the door slightly.

"I heard you crying and I just wanted to check to make sure you were OK," Ms Venable whispered softly.

"Aren't you meant to be in an interview?" I frowned a little.

"I was just on my way to it, but then I needed to make sure you were safe," she offered a nervous smile and I nodded slightly.

"Thank you, but I'm fine. You should go to your interview," and then I closed the door quietly.

Why had I done that?! I wasn't sure... all I knew, was that my sight had left me again and that could only mean one thing... I was in love... with Ms Venable.

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