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The sensation of passing through wards was an unusual one, leaving Alec with a tingling on the back of his neck. Underneath a heavy layer of anxiety, Alec felt the usual low-level buzz of excitement as he went up to Magnus' flat.

Before he even reached the door it had been opened, and the shadowhunter was hit again by how beautiful the warlock was.

"Alexander? I thought I felt you coming, I was worried after you didn't text me back." His voice was edged with concern, and Alec felt a wave of guilt. He never meant to leave the warlock in silence, but he had needed the time to work through his own thoughts.

Using one of their gestures, Alec asked to come in, and Magnus gave him a welcoming hug. The shadowhunter leaned into it, muscles relaxing in the comforting embrace. He breathed in the comforting scent of Magnus' clothing, relieved that he had stopped experimenting with "one of Cat's friends' perfumes."

No offense to Cat, but it had been so strong that Alec had not been able to stop laughing at the sheer shock of it. Magnus had joined in as well, saying that it wasn't the best he had ever used, but he had hoped he would adjust.

The memory vanished, and Alec remembered the seriousness of his visit. Pulling out his notebook, he shared a look with Magnus. The warlock was watching him intently, having picked up on the negative energy.

Thinking for a moment, suddenly nervous, Alec tried to put his words into order.

*Need help at the institute. Meliorn was arrested, they think he knows Valentine.* Magnus tensed as he read over Alec's shoulder.

"Those bastards! They're always the first to blame shadowhunters. His eyes were blazing, and if it were anyone else Alec would have felt frightened. Instead, he found himself agreeing.

*He is safe, but they won't give him a fair trial.* picking up on the hint, Magnus went to storm off, before doubling back to hold Alec's shoulder comfortingly.

"Of course I'll help. I've seen what the clave likes to do to their prisoners." Alec shifted uncomfortably under the searching gaze. "I don't blame you, my dear, I need you to know that." Throat tight, Alec nodded.

Whilst Magnus went to grab some books, Alec finished off the note explaining his engagement. His heart burned, but Magnus needed to know the truth. He felt empty when he finished.

Magnus came back, wisps of magic simmering around him as he grabbed more items, only pausing to look at the note. "Oh... I see. Quite fast isn't it?" Alec didn't miss the shock in his friend's voice.

*It needs to be done. It's what is right for the institute.* Magnus' eyes gleamed yellow.

"For the institute maybe, but what about you? Alexander, I've lived a long long time, longer than I would care to admit. You're not the first person to be sucked in by someone saying that they are doing what 'needs to be done.' The institute didn't crumble before you came, and if it will crumble after then perhaps that is what needs to happen, but you should not be taken down with it."

Alec felt like he was staring at the sun, burned by Magnus' care.

"If this is what you really want, then I will not stand in the way, but I truly don't think it is. I can only tell you that what you want, and what Lydia wants, goes beyond the clave's rules." He paused. "I know that the clave did something to you. Jace and Izzy haven't told me much, but I can recognize the effects of torture from a mile away."

Alec felt scalded at the use of the word. He had never been tortured! Torture was physical agony until you couldn't bear it, Alec had only been put in a room for a bit. If he were stronger, he would have managed it.

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