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     Alexander and Theodore, two young knights, were playing by the shore, picking cute shells for each other. Theodore came close to Alexander. Closer and closer, enough to taste the air that each other breathes. Alexander closed his eyes, anticipating a kiss on the lips. But the silence turned into soft chuckles. When Alexander opened his eyes, he found that Theodore had taken all his shells and was running away from him.
     It was late at night, so there weren't any people till the eyes could see, and it wasn’t a big distance for it was too dark, lit only by the half-moon. Alexander, in a daze, said, “Theo, come back!”
     “You have to catch me,” called back Theodore, stopping only to say that.
     Alexander smiled to himself and started chasing Theodore. Alexander loved Theodore’s little games. He always tried to let Theodore win if only to see Theodore’s happiness. But Theodore, too, tried to let Alexander win.
     Alexander ran to Theodore, both running slow–Theodore wanting Alexander to catch him and Alexander wanting Theodore to win. Theodore stopped abruptly and Alexander almost ran into him. Alexander looked around to find that Theodore had led them to a more secure location.
     Theo turned and looked Alex in the eyes. He brought his hand to the side of Alex’s face and moved it to his hair, all the while their heart pounded from running and more. Theo disheveled Alex’s hair and tugged his hair to angle his head for a kiss.
     Theo kissed Alex’s lips and jaw and neck. Oh, how well Theo knew Alex’s body. Theo’s fingers wander all over Alex’s body. Alex’s hands moved from Theo’s waist to his arse and pulled towards himself, so he could feel Theo’s bulge against his own.
     Alex broke the kiss to gaze into Theo’s blue eyes, which pierced into his green eyes saying the unspoken words. But saying it out loud was hard for the young knights. They lived in constant fear. What if somebody finds out? It was like drowning in living water.
     Alex moved Theo’s sleeve to reveal a birthmark on his shoulder. He kissed it for a long moment while Theo undid their shirts. And they stood there, embracing in the warm summer air, under the moonlight, intoxicated by the other’s scent.
      Theo broke the silence. “Never leave me alone, Alexander, my love,” he said.
     “I will never,” Alexander said solemnly.
     “Promise to me on the stars.”
     “I promise I will never leave you alone. I swear it on every star and every grain of sand and every drop of water in the ocean.” Alex kissed Theo with a new profound solemnity. Theo felt the difference in the kiss. For some reason, he felt like this was the kiss that sealed their souls together like this is the kiss that married them. At this moment, words were futile devices.

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