OiSuga - UGLY 🎧❤️‍🔥

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You said, "they made fun of (your) my body.." Toru spoke softly, barely above a whisper. Humiliation in your eyes when you told me... Koushi felt angry. Who would say such a thing to someone so sweet?!

"Well I'm gonna find them, don't you worry. I'll make sure, they're really fucking sorry!" Koushi growled softly as he pulled Toru close to his chest.


You said, "(you're) I'm embarrassed of (you're) my body.." you told me, "(you) I think (you're) I'm really ugly.." Koushi listened to Toru ramble on and made a promise to himself before caressing Toru's face and speaking softly. "Well my love, I know you don't see what I see." Koushi said softly, giving a gentle smile.

"Anything that is beautiful, people want to break.. and you are beautiful, I'm afraid.." Koushi said softly, giving Toru a soft, pained, smile before going on.

"Anything that is beautiful, people want to break.. and you are beautiful I'm afraid.." Koushi gave another weak smile as he spoke.


You said, "(you're) I'm ashamed of (you're) my body.. (you'd) I'd rather die than show you (me).." Koushi sighed softly hearing those words coming from Toru's mouth.

"But I would love you in any form you take." Koushi smiled through the anger he felt at the people making Toru feel this way.


You said that, "they say (you're) I'm disgusting... (That) they told me (you), (you) I (were) am fat and unworthy.." That absolutely crushed Koushi to hear what people were saying to Toru and how he was reacting.

"My love, I hope you trust me, when I say, you have a perfect body." Koushi spoke reassuringly and softly.

"Toru, remember that, anything that is beautiful, people want to break.. and you are beautiful, I'm afraid." Koushi gave a sad smile.


"Always remember, my love.... Anything that is beautiful... People want to break..." Koushi spoke through tears and sobs, looking at a headstone that read, 'and you are beautiful, I'm afraid.'

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