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The little things:

*Yamaguchi is a November scorpio. They aren't that innocent and nice as y'all think.

*Yamaguchi is nonbinary.

*Yamaguchi is omnisexual.

*Tsukishima loves cuddles and is actually VERY clingy behind closed doors

*Tsukishima goes by he/him

*Tsukishima is demisexual

*Hinata loves Tsukishima's soft side and cherishes it.

*Hinata goes by all pronouns

*Hinata is pansexual.

*Kageyama is still learning how to love all of them.

*Kageyama goes by he/him

*Kageyama is gay

*Yamaguchi's love language is words of affirmation.

*Tsukishima's love language is gift giving.

*Hinata's love language is physical touch

*Kageyama's is gift giving.

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