BokuAkaKuroKen 🎧❤️‍🔥

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(tw: anxiety attack)

Akaashi just got home and he shut the door, leaning against it breathing heavily. He just got home from school and had a headache. Everything was overwhelming him. He didn't know his boys were home either. He staid against the foot letting the feeling of panic overtake him.

He fell into an anxiety attack, feeling the panic overtake him. He slid down the foot pulling his knees to his chest and hugging himself. He made himself appear smaller. Kenma heard the door shut and came downstairs pausing his game in the process. "Ji-ji?" He questioned hearing the tallers distress. His heart sank when he seen the others state.

Kenma rushed over to Keiji and unraveled him pulling him to Kenma's chest. After a few moments Tetsurou and Koutarou came downstairs questioning the smallest absence. They seen what was wrong and split. Koutarou grabbed a few blankets and pillows and Tetsurou grabbed some calming tea. Koutarou made a pillow fort on the couch and Kuroo brought over the tea. Koutarou picked up Kenma and Keiji laying down with them on his chest. Tetsurou walked over and joined them giving Keiji the tea and handing Kenma a cup too as well as Koutarou.

When Keiji calmed down they all listened to what he had to say and helped him. They spent the rest of the day hanging out and loving on each other.

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