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A for Absent-minded

Things could be different. Things could be better. Things could be worse.

In past times, I would have died. Survival of the fittest. The strong will continue on living while the weak will perish. They're fit. Physically capable to do everything. They're well. Mentally prepared for anything.

In today times, everyone is given a chance. Technology have advanced and they no longer have to fight for their lives on a daily basis. No longer do they have to hunt for their meat.

Now it's the question as to fitting in society. Not fitting in is comparable to being weak in the past.  Unable to function. Not able to do what's considered normal. Mentally unaell. Growing up in an unfortunate household. People who are bound to their beds or stuck in hospitals. Disability.

It's a board spectrum. As long as they're able to blend in without attracting attention. As long as they're able to do what everyone else is doing.

Unlike the past, I'm not dead. I'm dying.

Either that or I never lived at all.

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