He quickly jumped up and pulled a chair out for her

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He quickly jumped up and pulled a chair out for her.

"Close your mouth Sebastian," she joked. He had no words. She'd totally blown his mind. Her hair was curled into soft waves and was hanging loose over her left shoulder.

He'd had just the reaction that Alyssa had hoped for. He took her crutch from her and propped it up against the wall next to him. She sat down.

"Can I get you a drink baby?"

"Shannon's getting me one. Sit back down."   He sat back on his chair. Almost instantly he felt Alyssa's hand on his thigh underneath the table. He put his hand over hers and moved it to his crotch.

Alyssa felt a throbbing between her legs. He wanted to play that game, did he? He began to rub her hand over his denim clad crotch, and within seconds she felt him harden. 

She looked at him, shocked.  He raised his eyebrows, grinning at her.  He leant closer. 

"You're getting that later," he growled in her ear. Shannon arrived at the table and passed Alyssa her drink.   Seb released her hand and she felt his hand on her thigh, slowly sliding upwards underneath the hem of her dress, his fingertips grazing her lace covered mound. She quickly stood up, straightening her dress.

"Can I have my crutch? I need to go for the toilet," she told Seb. He grabbed it and held it out to her. She took it and walked as fast as she could across the dance floor.  He smiled smugly to himself.  She couldn't handle it! That would teach her to tease him. 

Alyssa shut the cubicle door behind her.  She took a few deep breaths.  She'd had to get away from him.  He thought he was clever but she was going to have the last laugh.   She sat down on the closed toilet for a few minutes trying to decide if she was brave enough to carry out the plan that had begun to formulate in her mind. 

She decided she was doing it.  She stood up and slipped her lace panties off and put them in her handbag.   If he tried to slip his hand up her dress again he'd be in for a surprise. 

She took a deep breath and headed back out to rejoin Seb. 

She saw him watching her as she neared the table.  His eyes betrayed him.  He was horny as hell.  She slid back onto the chair she'd been sat on.

"You ok?" he asked. She nodded at him. 

A few minutes later she felt his hand on her again.  He lightly brushed his fingers over the sensitive skin on the inside of her thigh, slowly inching higher.  She smiled smugly to herself. 

All of Me (Sebastian Vettel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora